Thursday, December 28, 2006
Christmas Over
Overall the holidays for us are very busy. We put over 1000km on the car during a 4 day span. Brenden was a little trooper and hardly fussed about all the driving. Being strapped in a seat can't be that much fun. In and out, in and out. I found out as long as I sing his favorite song, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" while strapping him in, he laughs about it instead of fussing over the fact he's being strapped down, over and over again.
Brenden would like to thank everyone for his wonderful gifts. He plays with everyone of them and loves them. Michelle and I have learned most of the tunes each one emits down to a "T". It's funny, because while I'm at work, occasionally I sing to myself, the tunes these toys emit. It's getting into my head and I can't get it out. I guess this is where our childhood starts to come back to us.
For the videos, I may make it available on-line, but you'll have to make sure you have high-speed access to see it, or possibly download it to your PC first before viewing.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Hands Off

We finally put up our Christmas tree on Sunday, and Brenden seems to have taken a liking to seeing something new in the house. He likes the lights and the reflections. He can sit for hours staring at that tree, as if he's waiting for it to make the first move.
Yester Michelle swears that Bredned said, "Mama" for the first time, but since she's said that, I've yet to hear him say that. Michelle has taught him to make the kissing sound, simply by puckering the lips and making the kissing noise we all make (try kissing without making a noise, talk about wierd). It' so funny when he does it.
Anyway, have to go get ready for work. Another Christmas party to attend this afternoon and much to get done before that.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
First Santa Sighting
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Almost back to normal

Well, Michelle came back home last Friday and was feeling much better. She has recovered quite well and is almost back to normal. As you can see from the pictures above, Brenden isn't to fond of his beans. Not a vegetable man yet.
Brenden has started getting Gerber baby food, which makes those morning poops smell so much better. Ew! He likes a few types and won't give the time of day on others. It's quite funny seeing him eat various things and the expressions you get out of him.
On Sunday Michelle and Brenden met me at the Ajax Santa Clause parade. Brenden's first parade. He loved the loud bands belting out the tunes from the trumpets and trombones, and at the end of it all, really could care less about the man in the big red suit. He would rather look at his own reflection in the window of the car behind us. Next year, he'll be more inclined I think.
Brenden is now sitting without support. We do put pillows around just in case, but he never falls over. He is a very happy baby in that position. He still hasn't figured out how to crawl, but that's ok. That means we don't have to chase him around yet and we know exactly where he is.
Brenden loves the mirror. Every morning we get up, before he eats, we have to look at the other baby in the mirror. He laughs at him everytime. Or maybe he's laughing at the fact that his dad has a twin. Who knows.
Until next time, check out the picture site, as I've added many more photos. Here's the link again.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
So Quiet, It's Eerie
Brenden is doing well away from home I here, so that's good news.
I would like to say congrats to Michelle's cousin Justin and Christine on Thomas' first tooth. For those that don't know, Thomas was born the exact same day as Brenden. Brenden just drools a lot, no teeth though. He's still gumming everything to death.
Anyway, back to my lonely night, here's a couple pictures of the company I've had the past few days. See you soon Michelle and Brenden!! Miss you!

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Brendens First Post
njjjjjjjju,k. I think that means good night in baby typing.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Lack of Postings
Within the next week, Michelle will be having surgery to have gall stones removed. She's been having attacks regularly and not feeling well because of it. She may be going on Tuesday if she has another by then. The pain is unbearable and she said she would rather give birth than have attacks. It has really limited her to what she can eat and what she does eat, she can't keep it down. We are blaming Brenden for the Gall Stones, as they say it's pretty common after giving birth. We believe this is the contributing factor, "Estrogen: Excess estrogen from pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, or birth control pills appears to increase cholesterol levels in bile and decrease gallbladder movement, both of which can lead to gallstones".
I'll keep you posted on any further updates to this.
Today, we had our first family pictures done at Walmart. We also got Brenden to pose for a few himself. We were late getting there and had to wait about 20 minutes at which time Brenden starting getting tired and a little crusty. He hung in there like a trooper and smiled at every picture taken. Once we get the pictures, I'll scan them and post them here. They turned out awesome. Can't wait to get them.
Brendens' sleeping patterns have finally changed. He is finally on Eastern Standard Time. On a good night, he'll sleep until 8-9am without making a peep, and other times, he'll wake up during the night 3-4 times in search of his soother. Right now he may be a little off at night due to the cold which I generously passed on. It's so hard to stay away from him when you have a cold and you need to help out.
As far as words, he hasn't picked any new ones up yet. He still makes motor boat sounds and blowing spit at the same time, all while driving his bouncy car.
On Saturday (Nov 13) I gave Michelle a much needed break and took Breden to see my Aunt Marilyn and Cousin Brian and went to see Grandma & Grandpa Schaefer for the day. He was very good and in high spirits all day.
Other than that, nothing else is new. Sorry for those looking for photos. I don't have any new ones to show you. Since I know there are many out there that want to see more. I've had a few people mention that I should post 1 each day. Yeah right! I'm lazy, can't you tell by the lack of postings?
Friday, November 3, 2006
Daylight Brenden Time
Well, Brenden's first Hallowe'en has come and gone. We didn't go trick or treating however we did put him in a costume. Had to get some pictures for his first Halloween. We did visit some family though. For his first one we had to dress "B"renden up as a what? A Bee. His first initial. Creative eh?
Enjoy the pics......Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Also, feel free to leave me comments, or any advice you think we could use, or just leave a comment to say "hi", so I know someone out there is reading these BLOGS.

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Dr. Visit at 6 months
What's new and exciting in "B" land? Not much more development yet. He does however have a permanent smile now, or at least that's what it seems like. He also rolls over, but only in one direction. Eventually the wall stops him from going any further, if he's already rolled 3 or 4 times.
We've had to buy some new outfits, as you can imagine with the rate he's growing at. Not only because of the size, but because of the weather. TIme to break out the baby mittens, it's getting near the freezing mark. Heck, it's almost time to break out my own mittens at this rate. I almost need a snowsuit to cut the lawn, just to stay warm.
Anyway, that's about it for another week (or so).
Next week, Brenden will be typing his first words on this BLOG........
Thursday, October 19, 2006
6 Months Ago
Not a heck of a lot has changed. He has got bigger and heavier, but that's a gimme. He pretty much stopped rolling over. He would rather be lazy (like me) and just lay there. He does move around, but just from rolling side to side. He loves his car and now loves his jolly jumper. He is very strong. He can almost stand. Not on his own, but he keeps his legs straight and rarely bends his knees.
He loves Chevy (our cat) now. Starting to pull his hair, whiskers, tail. Chevy is tolerating it for now. Brenden can now suck his own toes which is wierd. I tried to do it, but got stuck and needed Michelle to help me out of it.
Funny, as I write this, Brenden rolled to his stomach, then back to his back. You can see him really concentrating on on items now, trying to figure out how they work.
He is amazing! I am loving every minute of this stage. Can it get any better?
Until next time. Dave.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Gobble Gobble!
This past weekend Brenden has been happy go lucky. I'm quite surprised his face doesn't hurt from laughing and smiling so much. I know mine does.
He didn't seem to mind the fact that we put about 800km on the car over the past weekend, travelling, visiting all the family. He seemed to take it better than I thought. The times he was awake in the car, he didn't fuss about it. Most of the time he just talks to his soother, probably hoping it will talk back to him. It doesn't. I tried talking to it too, but nothing.
As I said previously, he seems to become more aware of his environment day by day. He loves to watch the cat simply walk around him in circles. Brenden is tending to follow every single movement an animate object or person will make. You can see the wheels turning. I really think he would jump in and help if he could. Do your chores Brenden, then you can play. OK, were not at that stage yet...*sigh*, I'll put the dishes away this time.
Brenden has now moved away from laughing at the word, "naked", and will now smile and/or laugh at pretty much anything that has the letter "B" in it. "Baby", and sadly enough, "Boo-bee" is now his favorite words. I taught him well.
He can now roll over both ways consistantly, however, he hasn't figured out the crawling part yet. I'm 'ok' with that. He will also sit up, albeit aided, but just lightly holding on to his arms and he sits fine. He can also stand quite well. Holding on to his arms, he will put his legs straight out as if he wants to stand up. Not yet, "B", not yet. We're not ready for that quite yet.
He now eats his pablum from the spoon much easier. He's almost an expert. On the weekend, he got his first very small sampling of ice cream. "Thanks Bill!", just what I need, a baby wired on ice cream. Actually, he was fine that night, nothing happened out of the ordinary.
Anyway, once again I've updated pictures on my picture site. The link to "Baby Pictures" is on the left side of this BLOG Site. We are enjoying the 5-6 month stage a lot. It's awesome!
Wednesday, October 4, 2006
Hamilton Trip

Well here i am again, pondering what to write. One week later. Where are the latest pictures you ask? Not here, but you can go to to see them still. I have added the most recent there.
This past week has been pretty cool. Brenden sounds like he's trying to say his own name now. It's probably just giberish, but he's putting his lips together and making sounds like, "B" and "Ba". I'm sure, "Brenden" is quite far away from his personal vocabulary though. He still has his happy and sad/mad days. It's usually a trade off. 1 good for 1 bad day.
On Sunday, Oct 1, Brenden got to meet my dads aunt and cousin from Germany in Hamilton. As well, I got to meet my 2nd cousin, which apparently I last saw when I was very young and don't remember. Brenden was in a pretty good mood that day and enjoyed being passed around. He even had a nice sleep there without any issues. There are a few pictures on the website above of the trip to Hamilton. Unfortunately our German family left for Germany Monday evening. It was great to see them again, and we hope to see them again soon. Next time we'll take Brenden to Germany with us to visit, a few years down the road. We'll see.
Oh, and regarding the picture at the top of this post, that is my 2nd cousin, Theresa, and her 2 month old baby girl. Putting Brenden beside her really made him look big. It was hard for me to imagine that he was that small only a few months ago. As yoo can see, Brenden was quite amused that there was actually someone smaller than him there.
Anyway, maybe I'll splurge this week and put a 2nd post in, then again, maybe not. Who knows?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
More missing posts
As of this post not really much has changed, well really, a lot has changed, but you really have to see him to see the changes. Really hard to describe. He's getting bigger, that's for sure. He interacts quite well now and loves to be picked up. He used to hate being carried around. Now we walk around the house together and I point at objects and he tries to grab them. Occasionally he'll stare back at me and giggle a little. I love it! This is the best feeling in the world, knowing that a child relies on his parents to help him grow. He is now eating pablum with a little maple syrup in it. He now opens his mouth when a spoon is carefully aimed at it. Sometimes it reminds me of, "Hungry, Hungry Hippo" when he lunges forward to get the spoon. Most nights I don't like the fact I work so late, because really we only get to spend 1-2 hours together before he goes to bed for the night and in the morning he is a great alarm clock. Wakes up between 7am and 8am.
I will post more pics soon, I promise. Just have to get my trigger finger ready and catch him in mid smile or laugh.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Favorite Words

Anyway, well, what can I say...I'm officially lazy now. Over a week and no new post until this one. I am not so sure you can call it laziness when you've been just so darn busy, between work and the family life. Well for those that read these posts, I am still hanging around, but just can't seem to post much anymore. I knew that would happen. At least a once-a-week update is better than not posting anything at all.
I convienentley named this post, "Favorite Words" for a reason. Not my favorite words, but actually Brenden's favorite words. These are words, when said 2 or 3 times to him, will make him smile and eventually laugh. I find it very amazing that certain words are more amusing than others. Simple words such as 'peek' and 'cover' said 3 times fast will cause a reaction. The best word seems to be the word, 'naked'. It's so funny that when he laughs, I start to as well. When he's on his change table getting ready for bathtime, I can say 'naked, naked, naked!' and he will literally laugh is face off. It's so funny, you have to laugh back at him. He thinks that word is the funniest ever. Now, even when he's just lying on the floor playing, you can say that word and he'll pump out a little smile at first, and when said again, he'll start to giggle about it. I am not sure if it's the expression in my face or the tone of my voice when I say it, but no matter what, it's hilarious. I love his reactions and faces he makes. Even when you've had a bad day, a smiling baby can make all the difference in the world!
Sunday, September 3, 2006
The Daily Routine
Following that we bath him, then wrap him (yes, we still do that, as it's comforting to him), and feed him what's left of his bottle. Shortly after that, he's out like a light. At this point, it's very easy to put him to bed. This whole process starts about 8:30pm and we're usually finished between 9:30-10:00pm. He'll generally sleep until 4am, at which point he will make some noises. Usually all it takes is a walk to the room to put the soother back in his mouth and he sleeps until 7:30am or so. He sleeps well, which is good for us, as we';re starting to just now catch up on missed sleep.
Not much else is new as far as advancing in any other activities. It is really easy to get him laughing now. Laugh at him and he laughs back. It is quite funny at times seeing him react like that.
Anyway, gotta go, baby's crying.....I think he just said dada....nope....just my imagination.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Over and back

The above picture is proof that he's now holding his head up high. There have been times now where he has rolled from back to front, then front to back again. A great accomplishment. The downside to that, now we have to watch him more carefully. Eventually he'll start rolling around the house. He hasn't caught on the fact that if he pushes with his knees, that he'll actually go places. For now, I think we should stick with just the rolling over part.
Anyway, other than this minor update, not much news to post this week. I would imagine that this week and next week will be real busy for parents, getting their kids ready to go back to school. Good luck with that, we'll be in the same boat soon enough!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Away for a few days
Yesterday once major accomplishment happened. Brenden rolled over on to his stomach all by himself. The past few weeks he made it half way to the stomach, but couldn't get that extra umph to get all the way. Now he rolls over and puts his head up. Only thing now, he has to learn how to roll back. After a few minutes he starts crying while on his stomach, so we have to roll hime back over. Of course, we couldn't catch that one on camera, but maybe later today I can.
Last week I also produced Brenden's first DVD. Clips from Day 1 up to 4 months (by the way, Brenden turned 4 months yesterday). It turned out quite well.
Anyway, now that I'm back home, I'll start taking more photos and videos again. I can't post the videos here as the size is to big and the bandwidth wouldn't allow it. However, feel free to ask for a copy of the DVD, it's only $20 + shipping and handling. Just kidding.
Until next post, which I promise will contain the latest photos of the growing Brenden.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
B's 1st time camping
Camping was or to us anyway a success! Brenden loved it from what we could see. He cried some while being passed around, but that was more or less the excitment getting to him. He can only handle so much at a time. During the nights he went to bed around 9-10pm and woke up about 4am to feed, then went right back to sleep and work back up around 7:30-8:00am. He did well from my point of view, since it was a first for all of us. First time camping for him and a first for us to bring along a baby with us. We didn't know how it would turn out, but we're very happy it worked out so well.
Brenden had another first. Not only was he a trooper at camping, he is also a well defined swimmer. OK OK, Michelle was holding him, but once he got used to it, he loved the beach & the water. We must have been in the water for a good 20 minutes or so, and he never cried about it once. He would carefully watch each wave roll in and then go past him. He was so focused on the reflections in the water as well. I actually had the video camera out and filmed every minute of it. He was just facinated and so were we.
Overall it was good to go camping. We all got out of the house to visit family and it was a good time for all of us!
Friday, August 4, 2006
August Long Weekend

There hasn't been much changed this week, and the roll over on the stomach thing hasn't happened yet, so that's kind of good. He still rolls on to his side and falls asleep that way, an he looks very cute that way. Picture of that to follow soon. Brenden really has the smiles down pat. He smiles from dimple to dimple and occasionally laughs (at me mostly, probably because I'm funny looking).
Anyway, back to packing, since we are trying to avoid the traffic, since it'll be very, very busy. Have a good weekend everyone!
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Ride for Diabetes
Here's how it works:
Teams consist of 5 Riders, and on event day each team member will alternate riding a stationary bike for 8-minutes over the course of 40 minutes. Many teams like to compete to see who can clock the most kilometers, raise the most money, show the most spirit, make the most noise, and have the best costumes.
Click this line to sponsor me any amount you wish. $1, $2, $5, $10 or $20, heck, I even take $50's and $100's. Anything will help. I have set my goal of raising $500+. So far I have reached $125. Thanks to those that have already donated and to those that plan on helping me reach my goal.
Here is the information about the ride:
Ride InformationCity: Toronto, ON
Venue: Nathan Phillips Square
Date of Ride: 9/15/2006
Ride Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Length of Ride: Every hour on the hour from 9:00am - 4:00pm
Again I am using this to promote a good cause, so any donation will help.
David Schaefer
PS. I will post the events of the week on Friday. Not much to post, but I'll try and think of something.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Rollin Rollin Rollin

OK, not rollin' over completely yet, but he's half way there. Brenden is now rolling on to his side and will sleep that way (see above). He gets his feet in the air and swings them to his left, and his body goes with them. It's quite interesting that he's learned that already, and he seems to like it. He can also roll back on to his back. Next step, he'll be rolling to his stomach and crawling. Scary!
The Dr. appointment earlier in the week went well. We were told that Brenden is in the 75 percentile in size. To me that means he's 25% larger than the average, which is still ok. Dr. thinks he'll be tall like me. He now weighs 13lbs 13oz and is 62cm tall. Everything is going great (as it should be). No problems which is great news.
Tomorrow, Friday, Michelle and Brenden are stopping by her work, and then coming to my work, to show-and-tell Brenden. Hopefully Brenden will enjoy it, and will learn what it's like to work.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Week 13 Developments
It's just amazing watching the stages a baby goes through. Everyday it seems like something new. We are at the point when we can actually carry him around for 10-15 minutes without him fussing about it. We'll go for little tours around the house and look at pictures, mirrors, plants, out the window, etc. We try and point to things, but he hasn't grasped the finger pointing thing yet. When we take him outside, we'll look at colorful flowers, trees, a fence, etc. Anything to visually stimulate his brain. He loves the outdoors.
The long weekend in August we are taking Brenden camping for his first time near Sandbanks (on Lake Ontario, near Picton). This will actually be quite the experience for all of us. Totally different, since we won't have the luxuries of home while were away.
This weekend Michelle and I are in a ball tournament, so Grandma Schaefer will be taking care of him on Saturday for us.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
12 weeks old now
It seems he's crying less and sleeping more at night, but that could be just an illusion. Brenden is doing goood, and so are we.
Sorry for such a short update. I will try to get another one in midweek as well.
Sunday, July 9, 2006
Go to sleep, Go to sleep
Lets start with my own ability to walk. The sprained foot is nearly healed. I would say about 75%. I bought myself new high-cut cleats and have been wearing the ankle brace I have and it has helped considerably. I played 3 games of ball this week, and although I have used a runner, I have been able to hobble down to 1st base. I think my stats for this week, were something like 10/12. Not bad, batting .833. Maybe I should sprain my ankle more often. I find I can't swing the bat as hard, which generally means I bloop the ball in between the infield and outfield. Whatever works.
Enough about me...How's the baby you ask? Great and growing I have to say. He smiles and you can tell much more when he is happy now. The oddest thing about this baby though is that he doesn't like to be held. He would rather lay on his blanket and stare at you, and "goo goo gaa gaa" at you. He plays with is mobile toys, and kicks the crap out of them with his feet. He loves it. Everything he kicks it, it plays music. He is at the point now where he's able to lay on his blanket for a good 30 minutes and play on his own, and he smiles and talks to his toys. It's quite amusing at times.
On July 5th, Brenden visited the Toronto Zoo. Albeit too young, at only 2 and a half months to know what he was seeing or even where he was, it is a day spent outside, which now, means more sleep for us. We find now if we stay outside for 4-5 hours with him and bath him at night, he will sleep 7-8hrs. In fact, that night after the zoo and a bath, he slept for 9 hours straight. Not a peep. Last night was similar. He was outside for a good 4 hours, taking in the scenery at my Aunt Marilyn's and he hardly slept there. We got home, he woke up, gave him a bath, fed him and he slept for almost 8hrs. We also find that when he gets his sleep, he is much happier. Sounds a lot like me. Need my beauty sleep. Haha.
So far everything is good. Bad moods and crying are tough at times, but we're starting to get the hang of what to do if that's the case. The hardest is when the baby is crying in public. Because Brenden at times, has vocals higher than that of Mariah Carey. Just when you think he's screaming at the top of his lungs, he goes louder. That's usually the point I take over the stroller. People may stare, but I could care less. As long as we know he's fine, then that's the main thing. Eventually he stops, and all is fine again.
Anyway, another week in the books. Can't believe in 2 weeks, Brenden will be 3 months old. Everyone is right...they grow so fast. Gotta head to the baby's room. Sounds like he's waking up. Time for a feeding.
Friday, June 30, 2006
A week already!
The bad:
- 2 weeks ago, Thursday, I sprained my ankle playing ball. I have played ball a little, but couldn't push it to hard, since I can't run.
- We had to get rid of one of our cats (we had her for 1 year) as she kept peeing in the basement and not in the litter box. The last straw was when she peed in the baby's room. She was put up for adoption. Hope Cali finds a good home.
The good:
- Germany won versus Argentina in a shootout today, and they advance despite the fact Argentina outplayed them. GO GERMANY GO!
- Today is the Friday before the July 1st long weekend.
- Brenden is really trying to talk goo ga ga. Soon enough he will be posting to this BLOG.
- One less cat, half the food, half the litter, half the mess.
The weekend is here.....later all!!!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
2 months & Growing
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Events up to date

Since I haven't posted for awhile (once again), here are some point form notes I have either missed in previous posts, or are new updates.
- Apparently there was a reason for crying. We have figured out (with the help of Michelle's mom) that the bottles are the problem. We have bought the ones that take the baggies, therefore reducing the air intake on the baby (sounds like something my dad would refer to on a car).
- On Tuesday, Brenden returns to the Dr. for his first shots to prevent Polio and other diseases.
- I finally took the picture above when Brenden was smiling. I've been a little lax on the camera since I fixed it. I also haven't attempted to use the video camera yet. I figure I'll wait a bit longer before I use it.
- Where do I about injuries for $1000 Alex. Tuesdays injuries include, bruised middle finger, and swollen right hand, due to diving for a ball, and slightly missing. Thursdays injuries include, left foot, baby toe, bruised for taking a ball off it, and right ankle, rolled it just walking to first base. I am now hobbling along. The ankle was quite swollen, but looks better now. I think I may need to take a week off of ball just to heal all my wounds. At least the appendix feels 100% better, not to say much for the rest of me.
- Busy, busy, busy. Lots of stuff going on at work, which is the reason for not posting all the time. Leave early, come home late.
- Tonight I am doing the babysitting thing and of course, watching the hockey game (Carolina vs. Edmonton (3-2)). Go Edmonton go...I would love to see a Game #7.
- My first father's day this weekend! Very exciting!
- Very happy that the new bottles are working. Baby happy, mommy happy.
- Also working very hard. She still can't figure out why the days go by so darn fast.
- Michelle gets an extended break tonight because she's going out with some friends.
Well that's it, that's all for now. Have a good weekend everyone!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Babysitting & more
On Sunday, he had quite a hissy fit. It was quite scarey actually, since he was hitting notes I had never heard. He wouldn't eat either. I finally got him comfortable on my legs and rocked him back and forth. He was soothed for the time being. After 10 minutes or so, he seemed to be better. Seems he had to let one out, since he hadn't gone in a 24 hour span. Could have been cramps or something. This morning he let out almost the same cry. Seems like he's learned a new cry which gets our attention quite fast. Our reation time is almost instant when we hear that cry. It's almost piercing. Even Mariah Carey can't hit notes like he can! Maybe we'll have to send him to the Opera, or put him in a horror movie and cast him as the screamer!
Thursday, June 8, 2006
My ER Dilemma
As of today, Thursday, I feel about 75% better.
Friday, June 2, 2006
Just lazy??
On Wednesday Brenden visited his Grandparents on both sides of the family. I am sure he had a great time.
Thursday night, Breden decided to sleep for almost 7hrs at night. What a shock to us! We both asked each other if we had got up in the night. Both of us slept.
Tomorrow we are heading to Cobourg, to visit friends and family. It's suppose to be a little cooler out, which should be nice compared to the 30-35C it was on Monday and Tuesday.
Right now our air conditioner isn't working, but it will be installed on Sunday. I can't wait. Anyway, I'm off to bed, since we are getting up early tomorrow (Saturday). And guess what tomorrow is? Brenden will be 6 weeks old.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Sleeping patterns
I would like to thank Mike P (from Oshawa) as he has given us a great swing, that actually swings both front to back and turns so it will go side to side as well. We have found that the baby loves to swing side to side, similar to that of him laying on my legs and swaying them side to side. It's amazing! Also he gave us a little car, where the baby can sit in it. It has a bunch of rattles and toys for him to play with. We'll use it when he's a bit older.
Anyway, that's it for now, the baby is swinging away, but starting to cry a bit, so it's time to check on him.
Anyway, off topic, here is a picture of Chevy (our oldest cat) trying to stop me from leaving the house with my baseball clothes. Good try CHEVY!

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Front Loading Carrier
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
May 24 come and past
Today Brenden had another Dr. appointment, and everything checks out "A" - OK. He is now 9lbs 9oz and growing as he should be. This is good news.
Now for the bad....ok well not so bad, but I believe that he has moved his fussy periods from every other day, to every day. He just loves to belt out a tune, sounding almost of that of some of the "Canadian Idol" singers. Maybe he should audition, heck, can't be any worse then most of them.
Today we went to Walmart to splurge a little. We bought a front-loading carrier so Michelle or myself can carry the baby around in while we walk and do stuff around the house. We put him in it, and he wasn't to thrilled, but I think that was because he was hungry. We also bought some other baby necessities. Heck, walking out of Walmart with a baby costs way more then Michelle and I walking out by ourselves!
He's a high maintenance, expensive baby. Afterall he does where everything designer. I dress and look like I just stumbled out of a dark alley on Halloween, compared to him. Just hope he appreciates it later on, when he'll have to start buying me designer clothes and diapers. Haha!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
One Month Old today

Today Brenden is 1 month old. Where did the time go? It escaped us again. Brenden is doing fine. He has his good days and bad days much like most of us today. Seems to be every other day. He is smiling more now. I'll have to try and get a picture of him while he's smiling.
Last weekend we had an unfortunate mishap with out digital point & shoot. It fell on the ground and the preview screen (LCD) cracked. Now I can't view rhe pictures on the camera anymore. I found out to by the LCD and install it myself, it will cost about $75. I am trying to get a used camera on EBAY, then I can use the screen out of that one. I'll know by the end of this weekend, if I win on any items.
Anyway, I would like to wish everyone a good (Long for some) weekend! All the best!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Smile, it's Gas, or not?
Monday, May 15, 2006
The Happy Family
I hope all the moms had a great Mother's Day on Sunday! It was my wife's first mother's day and Brenden got her a great gift! I necklace with two charms on it. One charm has little baby feet on it and the other say, #1 mom. Mom loved it very much! Way to put that $20 to use, Brenden.
The weekend was packed with travelling from family to family for us. This jsut meant more sleep for Brenden, and more rest for our ears. The car trips are great. Very peaceful, very quiet. Once we got to our destination we knew it was feeding time. The cries began.
Our first stop was Saturday afternoon at Michelles' Grandmothers for lunch. Then off to her dads place, nearby. After spending most of the afternoon there, we went to my parents place where we spent the night. It seemed logical to spend the night, because with gas prices the way they are and the distance to travel, and since the following day was mother's day. All the while Brenden did very well his first night away from home. He was a little unsure of his surroundings at first, but he got used to it. Her mom also lives further east than my parents, so there was no reason to go home and come back again. I am sure Brenden wouldn't mind, but he had no money left for gas, since he spent his $20 for mother's day. On Sunday we spent the morning at my moms and then went to her moms in the afternoon. We headed home about 4pm.
Lately it has been much better, as Brenden hasn't been crying as much, and it seems that he is actually starting to smile more, and not just because he has gas.
One thing I find hard to believe is that this Saturday, Brenden will already be 1 month old. Wow! Time does fly by.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Got the cat by the tail
So we've now narrowed the fussiness down to, every other day. Yesterday Michelle tells me, "He was an angel." This morning. Not so much, until we picked him up and the two of us spent time with him. He smiled and did cute little baby things. He even checked out our cat, which he was quite interested in, mind you. I can't wait for the day where he can grab the cat by the tail, afterall, before Brenden was born, the cat used to step on him, so it will be sweet revenge, I'm sure. I probably should have taken some pictures this morning, but i really had to go off to work. Hopefully I can get some good ones tonight. I say that now, but if he's fussy, I don't even want to attempt it.
This weekend we are doing some traveling. Heading out to see he dad, about 1hr 30mins away, then spending the night at my parents, and doing the Mother's Day thing. I wonder what Brenden is going to get his mom? I left him with $20 this morning, so we'll see.
Anyway, have a good weekend, since my next post won't be until Sunday/Monday. If I get a good picture tonight, I'll attach it to this post. Later.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
What's your sign again?
The Rambo of the play group has arrived! With an Aries baby around, you can expect lots of action and activity in your midst. Don't expect this tot to sit still with a rattle -- it just won't happen. The Aries baby is one who makes a lot of noise and will definitely be heard. There's really no choice! As a Fire sign, the little Ram will be dynamic and always up to something. Will this be a tough baby to deal with? More than likely. To that end, parents would be wise to show this child how to work with other babies early on. Things such as sharing won't come naturally -- they must be learned. Even where siblings are concerned, the Aries child won't be a walk in the park. What the Aries baby may want most of all, however, is attention, so parents be well advised. In a play setting, the Aries tot will easily get the attention of others on their own. This baby will also start many things early, the better to get to the finish line in a hurry. To sum up, the Aries baby can be quite independent but enjoys interacting with others. This baby is a fairly physical child and craves constant stimulation. They will be ready from day one!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
3rd Dr. Appointment
Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Here's Your Sign
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Sleep baby sleep
Michelle had a baby shower yesterday and received a lot of gifts from family and friends. We would like to thank everyone for their contributions of gifts for baby Brenden. Much appreciated.
Friday, May 5, 2006
It's Friday (TGIF)!
We have learned this morning that the 3hr feeding schedule we were trying to enforce doesn't seem to agree with one individual. There was a 66% vote for the feeding schedule and apparently one decides to vote against it. I wonder who that could be? This morning he was fed at 6am, then decided to wake up at 7am for no apparent reason, other than the possibility of being changed. Michelle did that and put him back down. Nope, doesn't want to sleep. We decided to try and give him a little more, kind of a "Top Up". Put him down, wrapped him tightly and so far he hasn't made a peep.
I have this issue with our local radio stations. They say some babies like classical music. Do you think I can find a classical station that will come in on the clock radio in his room? Last night I found some for about an hour, then the station changed to talk only radio. I know there has to be something out there. I may have to hook up a stereo system in his room with full surround sound, an MP3 player, and play some nature sounds throughout the night. That thought HAS crossed my mind. What would be better than having surround sound as a baby? Ither than the kitchen sink, nothing I can think of. Heck maybe I'll even move in the same room to have a listen.
Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Grandma Visit
Yesterday went well at the Dr. I was in the office until the Dr. pulled out the metal tools and knives and I had to leave. I am not one to watch any kind of cutting going on, and knowing that exactly what was being done didn't help. Let's just say, I don't think Brenden was impressed by the procedure. He was out most of yesterday due to children's tylenol, but today has been up since about 8am, and crying for most of it. It will take a few days, at which time he will forget all about what happened and sleep much more comfortably. Us too.
Grandma will head back home today and for me, my holidays are over. It's back to work for me tomorrow. *sigh* Holiday's always seem to fly by so fast.
Monday, May 1, 2006
Growing Up
Last night he slept for 4 hours straight from 2am-6am. It was great to get that extra hour sleep. After that he woke up at 9am. It seems between 9am-12pm is his crusty time. Wants to cry and doesn't want to sleep. I'm not sure if it's because he has his days and nights mixed up, but for now I'm ok with that. I would rather him do it between those times rather then throughout the night. Sleep is good.
Looks like 10pm is time for his next feeding tonight, so I gotta go. Tomorrow will be a horrible day. He is getting the "C" word done. I don't think I can be in the room for that. Ouch!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
The Softball Game

Well, today was a good day. We took Brenden to the ball diamonds to experience his dad playing softball. He spent about 4 hours in the fresh air at the diamonds and hardly did anything. It was unfortunate that it was so windy, as I would have let him see more, but we had to keep the cover on him. He wasn't impressed with the wind at all. After that we came home, and fed him and out him down. Today he screamed a bit, but shortly after, he fell right asleep. He has been sleeping on average between 2 to 4 hours per feeding session. At night time the average is about 3 hours. Michelle was up twice last night. Tonight I am staying up until the baby wakes up (should be around 1AM or so). I'll feed him, change him, and put him back to bed. Let's hope he gets about 4hrs tonight. A little sleep will be nice. Tomorrow we have a Dr. Appointment for the weekly checkup. We'll let you know the weight when I return. He is getting a little more chubby faced, so I believe he is eating well. Heck, he has almost outgrown 3 of the sleepers we bought for him early this year. Growing like a weed I guess. Good night all.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Baby Soother
Thanks to the soother, maybe we can get a little more sleep at night, because this every 2hr thing is killing Michelle and I. Who would have thought it would be so darn hard. Should be just eat, poop, sleep, eat, poop, sleep, every day, but no, someone had to throw the screaming, crying parts in there as well.
Anyway, we're managing with bottle feeding and soothers now, and tonight will be the first test to see if we can actually sleep for more then 2hrs at a time.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, *yawn*
Friday, April 28, 2006
Nurse Visitation

Today he went on a crying spurt. Changed him, cried, tried to feed him, cried, consoled him, cried, rocked him, cried. Nothing has seemed to work to stop him. Right now and hour later from the start of crying I believe he has cried himself to sleep. All is very quiet now. Maybe I can get a bit of sleep, before he wakes up. I can't wait until he's on the same sleep schedule as me. 8hrs and rarin' to go the next morning.
Here's my quote of the day, "My baby's only noisy when he's crying."
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Through Week #1
I believe the Jaundice is totally gone. Since the Dr. hasn't called us back, I assume that it is good news. When you see him you can tell that there is very little left.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Almost a week!

Wow, has time seemed to fly by. Just after midnight tonight, and the baby will be a week old. They were right when they said time would go fast.
This week has been a little tough for us. Getting up throughout the night is not us. We both don't like it. Even though we both say, "It's ok, I don't mind." The real answer is, "Can I just get some sleep please."
Brenden has been a little fussier at night recently. He normally slept for 3-4 hours, but lately it has been only 2 hours throughout. The need for milk has seemed to increase. Before I know it, he'll be all grown up.
Anyway, I missed yesterdays post. Just too busy and no time for the computer. We went to the hospital yesterday to get the Jaundice retested. Took about 15 minutes and went home. The Dr. office called me and said I had to go back to the hospital because the test didn't work and they would have to redo it. Apparently nothing can be easy for us. As of now, we haven't heard back from the Dr. office about the results. I would assume that they would only call if their were a problem, so I guess everything is 'ok'. He doesn't look as yellow as before, unless of course he has his yellow sleeper on.
I just fed Brenden and put him to sleep, so I had enough time to post today and yesterdays posts. I'll be putting up a few more pictures today on the picture website when I get time, maybe before he wakes up. Visit the website here:
Monday, April 24, 2006
On to Day #5

Well, another night in the books. Brenden woke up twice throughout the night. He is a little fussy at night time trying to get him back to sleep, but once he's asleep, he's out for a good 3 hours or so. He has been asleep since 7am or so this morning, so a good 4 hours this time.
Today Brenden has his first Dr's appointment at 4:15pm. Should be interesting because I am going to my family Dr. here in Ajax who delivered me 30 years ago. Here's another generation for him, until he retires. I will post when we get back from the Dr. Appointment.
Part 2:
We made it through Day #5. Went to the Dr. and he said everything was fine. He said the Jaundice looks very minor, but says we should go to the hospital tomorrow and have it tested one more time, just to make sure. We are going to go in early just to get it done as soon as we can and come home. The best news is that the baby has gained his weight back. He dropped 3% from birth and is now back up to 6lbs 14oz. Now the growing should continue.
So today was the baby's first ride in the car, and first ride in his stroller. We went to Walmart to pick up a few items. He slept all day, and missed it all. Apparently he likes shopping as much as I do. If only I could sleep through it too.
Let you all know tomorrow what we find out tomorrow. Good night, it's passed my bedtime (11:52pm).
Sunday, April 23, 2006
First night at home
We made it. Today we have had a lot of visitors and phone calls, and overall the baby hasn't cried hardly at all. He has been very good. I am sure he'll wait until everyone leaves.
Later all.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Welcome Home Brenden!

The day was tough because Brenden came down with borderline Jaundice. They retested this morning at 6:00am, and we expected to hear results early, since they told us it only takes 1 hour for them. Time was ticking, nurses were in and out, and as of 12pm we heard nothing. I asked at the reception and they told me the results were they but they had to wait for the pediatrician to come. We waited until 3pm. Finally an RN came in and told us that we were recommended to have 1 more test done and would have to stay longer. Honestly, this was the worse news. I know it's best for the baby, but at this point when they tell you you'll most likely get to go home before noon, and now we have to stay for another test at 3pm, we expected it would take 3-4 hours at least. They said it would be an hour again. From 3 to 4pm was the longest hour ever. I tried to sleep to make it go quicker. I did, then woke up, looked at the clock and it was 3:15pm. Could it go any slower. Finally at about 4:15pm, a different RN came in. The words were sweet harmony, much like that of someone who has commited a crime and the sentence is finally over. "You're all free to go home now," was the words we wanted to hear. We did. A big sigh of relief, then the biggest smiles ever appeared as we looked at one another. "Finally," we said, "It's time for Brenden to see the world and visit his new home!" The moment we were waiting for.
Well we're here, and all we have to say is,
Friday, April 21, 2006
One more night
Last night was amazing! Brenden slept from 2AM ti 8AM. That's my normal hours of sleep, so he is right on schedule already. We'll see what happens tonight, althrough the nurses advised that tonight we get up every 3 hours to feed because of the slight Jaundice.
Well, just picked up a few more diapers and sleepers and once again I'm heading back!
I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Justin and Christine (Michelle's Cousin) on delivering their baby boy (Thomas Kuipers) the same day as ours! April 20 is a great day for both of our families! All the best to the Kuipers and Christine's Family!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
It's a ..................
Anyway, mom and baby are healthy and in great condition!
Well, I gotta go back to the hospital for the night. We should be back home sometime Friday afternoon as they've already told us we would be discharged on Friday. I'll post a new message when we arrive home with our new pride and joy.
Here are the details and some pictures:
Sex: Boy
Name: Brenden "David" Schaefer
Birtdate: April 20, 2006
Time: 12:06am
Weight: 6lbs 13oz
Height: 53cm
(Click on pictures to make them full-size)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Dr & Hospital Visit today
We're off to the hospital......
more news to follow.......
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
So what's new?
So we are officially into Week 42. The final week. Friday is the date. After the final Dr. Appointment tomorrow, we'll know exactly what's going to happen and I'll be sure to let you all know as soon as I know. We do know that Michelle will be induced on April 21, if nothing happens by then.
What's Friday? The NHL Playoffs start. I wonder if they get all the games in the hospital?
Coping strategies after 40 weeks:
"It can be hard to cope with the waiting now you are overdue. If everyone's ringing to ask if you've had the baby and you're sick of repeating yourself, put a message on your answering machine and get out of the house. Several BabyCentre mums have suggested driving over speed bumps to bring on labour naturally — your bladder might not like it, though!"
• Have something planned for every day. Don't stay at home wondering whether you can feel anything happening. Get out of the house — but not too far!
• If you haven't already stocked up the freezer, do so now. After your baby is born, you'll be really glad you've got lots of food in the house. (Try our tasty freezable recipes for new mums.)
• Tell friends and relatives not to ring every day to find out what's happening — say you'll ring them when the big event has taken place!
• Go out for lots of last-minute treats with your partner. It won't be so easy after your baby's born.
• Rest — if you're finding it difficult to sleep at night, take a nap during the day. Put your feet up. Play some music. Don't fret if you can't sleep, dozing is fine. Build up your energy stores for labour. (Read more about sleep in the last months of pregnancy.)
• If you think labour's started, but you're not sure, phone your midwife and ask for advice. Never hesitate to give her a call if you're worried. (Remind yourself of the signs of labour.)