Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas Over

You are probably wondering why no Christmas post has been made. Well, it's been a very busy holiday, and now that I'm back to work I still haven't had much time to login to the BLOG to make a post until now. Most people will be pretty sad to hear that I didn't take to many pictures over the holidays, especially when it's the baby's 1st Christmas. Well, I in fact took more video's instead. I am in the midst of saving them to my PC and producing a Brenden's 1st Christmas DVD. I think I have almost an hour of footage at least. I can probably grab some stills from the video camera and have them printed, however I don't think the quality will be that good. I do have some pictures and I will post them as soon as I figure out which ones I want to put up.
Overall the holidays for us are very busy. We put over 1000km on the car during a 4 day span. Brenden was a little trooper and hardly fussed about all the driving. Being strapped in a seat can't be that much fun. In and out, in and out. I found out as long as I sing his favorite song, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" while strapping him in, he laughs about it instead of fussing over the fact he's being strapped down, over and over again.

Brenden would like to thank everyone for his wonderful gifts. He plays with everyone of them and loves them. Michelle and I have learned most of the tunes each one emits down to a "T". It's funny, because while I'm at work, occasionally I sing to myself, the tunes these toys emit. It's getting into my head and I can't get it out. I guess this is where our childhood starts to come back to us.

For the videos, I may make it available on-line, but you'll have to make sure you have high-speed access to see it, or possibly download it to your PC first before viewing.

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