Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Softball Game

Here is a picture from a Friday nights visit from my Aunt Marilyn and cousin Brian. Can you tell he is thrilled to hold a newborn? His first time perhaps?

Well, today was a good day. We took Brenden to the ball diamonds to experience his dad playing softball. He spent about 4 hours in the fresh air at the diamonds and hardly did anything. It was unfortunate that it was so windy, as I would have let him see more, but we had to keep the cover on him. He wasn't impressed with the wind at all. After that we came home, and fed him and out him down. Today he screamed a bit, but shortly after, he fell right asleep. He has been sleeping on average between 2 to 4 hours per feeding session. At night time the average is about 3 hours. Michelle was up twice last night. Tonight I am staying up until the baby wakes up (should be around 1AM or so). I'll feed him, change him, and put him back to bed. Let's hope he gets about 4hrs tonight. A little sleep will be nice. Tomorrow we have a Dr. Appointment for the weekly checkup. We'll let you know the weight when I return. He is getting a little more chubby faced, so I believe he is eating well. Heck, he has almost outgrown 3 of the sleepers we bought for him early this year. Growing like a weed I guess. Good night all.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Baby Soother

Well, the baby took a hissy fit this morning and screamed his head off. I stopped on the way home from a baseball tournament to pick up some soothers. Fed him, then plugged them in, and it worked like a charm. He sucked the daylights out of it and loved it. We loved it as well, as it kept him "soothed", hence the name, "soother". He cried very little.

Thanks to the soother, maybe we can get a little more sleep at night, because this every 2hr thing is killing Michelle and I. Who would have thought it would be so darn hard. Should be just eat, poop, sleep, eat, poop, sleep, every day, but no, someone had to throw the screaming, crying parts in there as well.

Anyway, we're managing with bottle feeding and soothers now, and tonight will be the first test to see if we can actually sleep for more then 2hrs at a time.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, *yawn*

Friday, April 28, 2006

Nurse Visitation

Today we will have a RN visit us to check on the baby and answer any questions we may have. I'm sure we'll think of a few. Not much to report, baby is healthy, but does unfortunately only sleep for like 2 hours at a time at night. Talk about wearing us old people down.

Today he went on a crying spurt. Changed him, cried, tried to feed him, cried, consoled him, cried, rocked him, cried. Nothing has seemed to work to stop him. Right now and hour later from the start of crying I believe he has cried himself to sleep. All is very quiet now. Maybe I can get a bit of sleep, before he wakes up. I can't wait until he's on the same sleep schedule as me. 8hrs and rarin' to go the next morning.

Here's my quote of the day, "My baby's only noisy when he's crying."

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Through Week #1

You can't see me! Today we went for our first walk with the stroller. The baby got his first breath of fresh air. He cried when we stopped, but slept when we walked. So when we stopped at the neighbours we didn't stay long, just so we could avoid the baby cries.

I believe the Jaundice is totally gone. Since the Dr. hasn't called us back, I assume that it is good news. When you see him you can tell that there is very little left.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Almost a week!

As you can see by the picture, I am very thankful that our baby came with washing instuctions. I wouldn't want him to shrink while washing.

Wow, has time seemed to fly by. Just after midnight tonight, and the baby will be a week old. They were right when they said time would go fast.

This week has been a little tough for us. Getting up throughout the night is not us. We both don't like it. Even though we both say, "It's ok, I don't mind." The real answer is, "Can I just get some sleep please."

Brenden has been a little fussier at night recently. He normally slept for 3-4 hours, but lately it has been only 2 hours throughout. The need for milk has seemed to increase. Before I know it, he'll be all grown up.

Anyway, I missed yesterdays post. Just too busy and no time for the computer. We went to the hospital yesterday to get the Jaundice retested. Took about 15 minutes and went home. The Dr. office called me and said I had to go back to the hospital because the test didn't work and they would have to redo it. Apparently nothing can be easy for us. As of now, we haven't heard back from the Dr. office about the results. I would assume that they would only call if their were a problem, so I guess everything is 'ok'. He doesn't look as yellow as before, unless of course he has his yellow sleeper on.

I just fed Brenden and put him to sleep, so I had enough time to post today and yesterdays posts. I'll be putting up a few more pictures today on the picture website when I get time, maybe before he wakes up. Visit the website here:

Monday, April 24, 2006

On to Day #5

Part 1:
Well, another night in the books. Brenden woke up twice throughout the night. He is a little fussy at night time trying to get him back to sleep, but once he's asleep, he's out for a good 3 hours or so. He has been asleep since 7am or so this morning, so a good 4 hours this time.

Today Brenden has his first Dr's appointment at 4:15pm. Should be interesting because I am going to my family Dr. here in Ajax who delivered me 30 years ago. Here's another generation for him, until he retires. I will post when we get back from the Dr. Appointment.

Part 2:
We made it through Day #5. Went to the Dr. and he said everything was fine. He said the Jaundice looks very minor, but says we should go to the hospital tomorrow and have it tested one more time, just to make sure. We are going to go in early just to get it done as soon as we can and come home. The best news is that the baby has gained his weight back. He dropped 3% from birth and is now back up to 6lbs 14oz. Now the growing should continue.

So today was the baby's first ride in the car, and first ride in his stroller. We went to Walmart to pick up a few items. He slept all day, and missed it all. Apparently he likes shopping as much as I do. If only I could sleep through it too.

Let you all know tomorrow what we find out tomorrow. Good night, it's passed my bedtime (11:52pm).

Sunday, April 23, 2006

First night at home

Throughout the night we were up about 4 times throughout. The baby slept in our room, but every little noise we woke up to make sure everything was ok. The baby slept quite a bit, for a 3hr span or so, other than one time it was only an hour between feedings and he cried like crazy. Finally after about an hour or so he stopped and fell asleep. He slept for almost 4 hours after that, providing Michelle and I with enough sleep for the night.

We made it. Today we have had a lot of visitors and phone calls, and overall the baby hasn't cried hardly at all. He has been very good. I am sure he'll wait until everyone leaves.

Later all.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Welcome Home Brenden!

Well, after another long boring day at the hospital we have finally made it home. Can you tell, Michelle is happy now?

The day was tough because Brenden came down with borderline Jaundice. They retested this morning at 6:00am, and we expected to hear results early, since they told us it only takes 1 hour for them. Time was ticking, nurses were in and out, and as of 12pm we heard nothing. I asked at the reception and they told me the results were they but they had to wait for the pediatrician to come. We waited until 3pm. Finally an RN came in and told us that we were recommended to have 1 more test done and would have to stay longer. Honestly, this was the worse news. I know it's best for the baby, but at this point when they tell you you'll most likely get to go home before noon, and now we have to stay for another test at 3pm, we expected it would take 3-4 hours at least. They said it would be an hour again. From 3 to 4pm was the longest hour ever. I tried to sleep to make it go quicker. I did, then woke up, looked at the clock and it was 3:15pm. Could it go any slower. Finally at about 4:15pm, a different RN came in. The words were sweet harmony, much like that of someone who has commited a crime and the sentence is finally over. "You're all free to go home now," was the words we wanted to hear. We did. A big sigh of relief, then the biggest smiles ever appeared as we looked at one another. "Finally," we said, "It's time for Brenden to see the world and visit his new home!" The moment we were waiting for.

Well we're here, and all we have to say is,

"Welcome home, Brenden!!!" "Welcome to your new paradise!"

Can you tell the cat is interested already?

Friday, April 21, 2006

One more night

The 3 of us are spending one more night in the hospital as the baby has a mild case of Jaundice. The nurses have suggested that we stay one more night, and retest for it in the morning. We should be home by Saturday afternoon, as I said, the results from the blood test were low levels of bilirubin, which is a good sign that it's only mild. A retest in the morning will show if Brenden has more or lesser levels, and if less, then we will be sent home, if not, the baby may need a light treatment and we will be sent home later that day most likely. It'll be nice to come home, and not have the nurses disctracting us every few hours.

Last night was amazing! Brenden slept from 2AM ti 8AM. That's my normal hours of sleep, so he is right on schedule already. We'll see what happens tonight, althrough the nurses advised that tonight we get up every 3 hours to feed because of the slight Jaundice.

Well, just picked up a few more diapers and sleepers and once again I'm heading back!

I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Justin and Christine (Michelle's Cousin) on delivering their baby boy (Thomas Kuipers) the same day as ours! April 20 is a great day for both of our families! All the best to the Kuipers and Christine's Family!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

It's a ..................

Hi everyone. I made it back from the hospital tonight, just to pick up a few items and grab a shower. Today was an amazing day! Michelle was induced yesterday (April 19, 2006) about 6:00pm. Contractions had started and once she was 6cm she couldn't stand the pain and called for an epidural. Unfortunately the first one they did, didn't work and Michelle was given a second one. That one worked like a charm she said. The scares part about the whole night was shortly after the epidural, the baby's heartrate dropped to about 50 Beats per minute. Too low. The Dr. considered the baby in distress and decided she would need a C-Section. At this point I was shocked and scared. Then some luck hit us. The heartrate started to slowly climb. The Dr. said, "Wait! Let's give it another minute, it looks like the rate is climbing." At this point I was just praying and kept saying to myself, "Come on, you can do it, climb, I know your strong!" Then it hit....the amazement as the BPM went back up to 140 and the Dr. declared, "We're going to deliver this baby normally!" I think at that moment I shed a bit of a I knew the time was near. At 11:30pm, the nurse said, "Looks like it's time, we're going to start pushing now." The next step was to determine if it would be before midnight or after. The pushing commenced and exactly 36 minutes after (and with a little suction help), the baby was born. It was absolutely the most amazing sight I have ever witnessed, as the Dr. declared, "You have a baby BOY, congratulations!" I am not a hospital person and I thought for sure I would pass out. I witnessed every minute of the natural birth with a huge smile on my face and tears in my eyes. Wow! It's so amazing that it's so hard to descibe if you haven't already had a child.

Anyway, mom and baby are healthy and in great condition!

Well, I gotta go back to the hospital for the night. We should be back home sometime Friday afternoon as they've already told us we would be discharged on Friday. I'll post a new message when we arrive home with our new pride and joy.

Here are the details and some pictures:

Sex: Boy
Name: Brenden "David" Schaefer

Birtdate: April 20, 2006
Time: 12:06am
Weight: 6lbs 13oz
Height: 53cm

(Click on pictures to make them full-size)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Dr & Hospital Visit today

Michelle had a Dr. Appointment today.

We're off to the hospital......
more news to follow.......


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

So what's new?

Since yesterday? Nothing. Another very exciting episode of "Prison Break" last night. I was however, kind of hoping for that other show to come on last night. What's it called? Oh yeah. I think it's called "Water Break". It wasn't anywhere to be found.

So we are officially into Week 42. The final week. Friday is the date. After the final Dr. Appointment tomorrow, we'll know exactly what's going to happen and I'll be sure to let you all know as soon as I know. We do know that Michelle will be induced on April 21, if nothing happens by then.

What's Friday? The NHL Playoffs start. I wonder if they get all the games in the hospital?

Coping strategies after 40 weeks:

"It can be hard to cope with the waiting now you are overdue. If everyone's ringing to ask if you've had the baby and you're sick of repeating yourself, put a message on your answering machine and get out of the house. Several BabyCentre mums have suggested driving over speed bumps to bring on labour naturally — your bladder might not like it, though!"

• Have something planned for every day. Don't stay at home wondering whether you can feel anything happening. Get out of the house — but not too far!
• If you haven't already stocked up the freezer, do so now. After your baby is born, you'll be really glad you've got lots of food in the house. (Try
our tasty freezable recipes for new mums.)
• Tell friends and relatives not to ring every day to find out what's happening — say you'll ring them when the big event has taken place!
• Go out for lots of last-minute treats with your partner. It won't be so easy after your baby's born.
• Rest — if you're finding it difficult to sleep at night, take a nap during the day. Put your feet up. Play some music. Don't fret if you can't sleep, dozing is fine. Build up your energy stores for labour. (Read more about
sleep in the last months of pregnancy.)
• If you think labour's started, but you're not sure, phone your midwife and ask for advice. Never hesitate to give her a call if you're worried. (Remind yourself of
the signs of labour.)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone.

I trust those that had a long weekend had a good one. Thanks to MOM & DAD for that great meal on Sunday! Very filling and very good. Oh, and thanks for the leftovers, I will enjoy it just as much for lunch today!

I am not sure why, but at night now, Michelle needs to keep the bedroom window open a crack. I wake up this morning to 17C bedroom. It's almost colder in the bedroom than outside. It's like a freezer. I like the fresh air, don't get me wrong, but I don't like a cold bedroom. And of course, since I hate Monday's, it makes it all that much harder to get out of bed in the morning. When your nice and cozy in a bed that's 25C, you really don't feel like sitting up and facing the 17C. Needless to say I had a super hot shower to try and unthaw myself.

I finally got my convertible back on the road. How exciting. Another 5-10C and I can put the top down and drive in style. I'm still debating whether or not to put the baby seat in the back of the convertible (haha).

Well for sure this is our final week. A Dr. Appointment on Wednesday and Michelle will be induced on Friday April 21. Hopefully it will happen before then, but the way things have been going, it doesn't seem that way.

Easter must be exciting in Central Europe. Read more:
In the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, a tradition of whipping is carried out on Easter Monday. In the morning, males whip females with a special handmade whip called pomlázka (in Czech) or korbáč (in Slovak). The pomlázka/korbáč consists of eight, twelve or even twenty-four withies (willow rods) and is usually from half a metre to two metres long and decorated with coloured ribbons at the end. It must be mentioned that while whipping can be painful, the purpose is not to cause suffering. Rather, the purpose is for males to exhibit their attraction to females; unvisited females can even feel offended. The whipped female gives a coloured egg to the male as a sign of her thanks and forgiveness. A legend says that females should be whipped in order to keep their health and fertility during whole next year. In some regions the females can get revenge in the afternoon when they can pour a bucket of cold water on any male. The habit slightly varies across the Czech Republic. A similar tradition existed in Poland (where it is called Dyngus Day), but it is now little more than an all-day waterfight.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Casino update

Well we went to Kawartha Downs Casino last night. As usual, I didn't win anything. Michelle, she spent $40, and won $37.50 back. We left at that point, a whole $50 down (because of me who is always unlucky).

Prior to that we went to Montana's in Peterborough for dinner and because it was Mirri's birthday. I know she probably doesn't want to see this, but I have to show it. See, once they find out it's your birthday at Montana's, they really do a special thing for you. Heck you even get FREE Ice Cream. I really don't know it's worth wearing moose antlers for it though. The staff even sang a nice song to us. Here are the pictures (sorry Mirri, had to post them. They are just to funny.)

Hey, Mirri, you got your ears on??

Oh and by the Jackpots...No baby!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Boy? Girl? Casino?

Today, we will attempt to break Michelle's water at the ....... CASINO! Here's hoping to hit a Jackpot and to Michelle's water breaking, of course, after we collect our winnings. I figure if we don't win and I spend enough money, she may be angry enough that the water will break. This may be a win-lose-win opportunity.

Anyway, we are going out for Mirri's(Michelle's best friend) birthday tonight, for dinner and the casino. Hopefully by tomorrow I can post some good news, with our winnings anda about water breaking.

Well, lets try one more poll, for lack of anything to really post today. I noticed in the last poll, quite a few said today. Yeah right, we wish! Try this one out:
Is the baby going to be a,

Boy (right!)
Girl (wrong)

View Results

Friday, April 14, 2006

Not So Good Friday

Well, another day come and gone and still nothing. I'm starting to sound like a broken record already. One day it will be here, I promise. THis is just as hard on us as it is on those viewing this BLOG daily.

Today we did the walking thing, and tried to figure out other methods of inducing labor. I thought if I poked the belly a hundred times or more, it may annoy the baby enough to want to come out. After 10-15 times, Michelle got more annoyed than the baby. I stopped.

Well, most votes I've seen are for tomorrow, so for our sake, lets hope it happens then, afterall that day is Michelle's best friends birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow MIRRI!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Reached 1000 visits

I just under 1 month, this BLOG has reached over 1000 visits. Thanks to all those the frequent this site to see somewhat daily updates. That was a personal goal of mine. 1000 visits before the baby is born. Now the baby is welcome to come any day.

Yeah, right. Nothing new to report today. Business as usual. I was kind of hoping we would win the lottery, since I believe that would actually cause labor to happen right away, but the odds are stacked against us on that one.

I created a poll to help us determine what everyone else thinks. Please indicate what date you think the baby will arrive. There is no prize for this if you do get it right. You can maybe just play the lottery because luck is on your side.

What day do you think the baby will arrive?

April 15 (wrong)
April 16 (wrong)
April 17 (wrong)
April 18 (wrong)
April 19 (wrong)
April 20 (right!)
April 21 (wrong)

View Results

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Dr. Appointment

OK, Michelle went to the Dr. today and I went with her. I wanted to hear the scoop. I don't know how much I can stress to all the guys out there at how awkward it really is to be in the same room while the Dr. is checking out your wifes privates. I thought maybe I should bring a weapon in with me, just in case he tries something. I just kept thinking to myself, "He better be careful in that neck of the woods." OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, afterall, that was his career choice. I am not sure how, to this day, someone chooses that as a career move without being harassed about it through university, but hey, maybe it's not all that bad. I just wonder if he goes home and looks at his wife the same way after. Second thought, I don't want to know.

Anyway, long story short, good news, bad news.

Good news: Baby is doing great, head down, 2cm dilated, should be any day now (he in fact said that last week as well, so now I take it as a, "whatever")

Bad news: April 15 was suppose to be the induction day...but nope...Dr. said, we'll give it another week, until April 21. Surely he can't be serious. I thought Michelle was going to grab him by the scruff of the neck and tell him no. Enough waiting already. As if I wasn't nervous enough, now I have to be nervous for another week!

I am routing for baby everyday, giving it encouragement, letting it know that it is much nicer outside the womb, more things to see, more things to do, more room to move. Well, I guess baby will come when it wants to, but everyday past is an extra day of grounding. Haha!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Baby is Grounded

The days are getting longer and spring is well on its way. Can't say much for the baby...well on its way 'yes', but just doesn't want to come. Maybe the baby wants to wait until the summer. Maybe it's still too cold. Smart baby. My wife has already told me that the baby is grounded once it comes out, because it's late. We will have to push the grounding out until he/she is old enough to understand why he/she is grounded. This is a good reason for the first grounding, I think.

We are patiently waiting for the Dr. appointment tomorrow, where we'll definitely find out what's going on, what's going to happen, and when it's going to happen. We will know more by tomorrow afternoon, and I'll be sure to post the news tomorrow night.

I was thinking this morning, debating with myself, as to whether or not I should keep this BLOG going after the baby is born. I have talked to many people, mainly family and friends about the site, and they love it. They actually check it everyday. This is great, but will it really get the attention after the baby is born? Will it be worth keeping it up? Who would really have any interest as to what I have to say? Then again, would I run out of things to talk about? All of these questions running through my head. Then I saw a sign this morning, and I've seen it many times before. Scrapbooking. Well this is somewhat a form of online Scrapbooking. Sure it's a journal, but it can be more. When my child grows up, he/she can look back at these postings, pictures, comments, just to see what kind of things we went through, throughout the stages of growing up. Even if no one follows this, I can be sure that it was writing worth keeping. If people want to find out what's going on, they can simply come here, and check on us, and see if anything is new.

So the final word. Don't expect this BLOG to stop once the baby is born. I will attempt to keep it going as long as I can. Some may agree or disagree with the writings, but hey, we're not all perfect......just me (haha!)

Thanks and Happy Reading!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Another Day, No Baby

This sounds like us in week 40. Click to read.

Well, no baby, means another "Munday". Actually this morning I felt great waking up early (did I just say that?). For those that know me, know I'm not a morning person and I would never say that. It almost seems weird to me to say that, but it's so true. Maybe it was the fact I was in bed before midnight, but then again, I have been up quite early this past week or so. Maybe I'm looking forward to waking up early and never getting a good nights sleep again, who knows. Heck, I've had 30 years of good sleep, it's gotta stop sometime, right? Now I will be reduced to small naps throughout the day. Except while I'm at work of course. I don't think they like people napping while they work. As long as I have lots and lots of Tim Hortons coffee, I'll get by.

I have a feeling something may happen today, but again, that could just be gas.

Time to get ready for work, cell phone at my side.

Check out the WORDS OF WISDOM I received from people I work with.
Thanks to all of those that contributed.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Scare the Baby Out

Part 1 (Morning): Well, we are going for a drive today. I am really considering the scare tactic to try and get this baby out. Maybe a little swirve here, a little swirve there, a slamming of the brakes. Something to scare the baby out of Michelle. Watch for the follow up of this to see if it works. Somehow I have my doubts, but hey, it's worth a try.

Part 2: (Evening): Well, I hit many bumps on the way home, swirved the car a few times, went fast around corners, squeeled the tires, and ........ NOTHING. I probably show have gone offroading, but around Ajax, there's not to many places to do that legally. I guess we'll just wait another day or two. Back to work tomorrow for me, my holidays haven't started yet.

Saturday, April 8, 2006

The Day After, D-Day

Well, D-Day has come and gone. Looks like we didn't win the Sears waiting game afterall. That's ok, no big deal. As long as the baby is healthy, that's all we really care about. I can tell one thing, this child is already starting to take after me. I am known to be running late for things, and well, the baby is already late. So we're off on the right foot.

For all those wondering, still nothing happening today. We are hoping for this weekend, but we're not sure yet. We do know the absolute deadline will be, no later then April 15, at which time Michelle would be induced. So definately by next weekend we'll have a baby. Looking now, this will be our last weekend as the two of us. It is a very exciting time, and well, as you know, nerve racking. It's all a matter of time now, and not knowing what time is tough. I am almost afraid to leave the house, just in case something does happen. I know I have the cell phone, but it would be easier if I were here already. I don't want to have to rush home, when I could have just stayed home. Tonight I have a banquet to go to, and I will attempt to go to. I know she has this fear of the water breaking in public, so I'm not sure if Michelle will want to go. That's her choice.

On Thursday we put the baby seat in the SUV. Our bags are packed, and we're ready to go at anytime. We are now just waiting for baby to arrive. Tick...Tock...Tick...Tock...

Friday, April 7, 2006

D-Day is Here, Or is it?

Michelle said she's not feeling well today. Is it a sign? She couldn't sleep last night, so she tried to sleep on the couch. A sign maybe? Not to sure. I am going to attempt to work today, but may expect a call at anytime of the day. Remember the Cell ringing, now I seem to have that same nervousness writing this BLOG. Now the computer is taking me over. Geez, these electronic gadgets really do have minds of thier owns and do send subliminal messages.

Well watch this BLOG often, because if I get a minute or two prior going to the hospital, I'll make sure I post it here. I am not so sure I will, but I can try. If not, those family members involved will get a phone call from me. Make sure you keep all lines open for the next little while, and don't hang up on me, I'm not a telemarketer.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

The Ringing Phone

Michelle had a Dr. Exam on Wednesday and he seems to think she has, "started the process", per say. I'm not so sure if I should be nervous or excited at this point. I guess it's just a matter of time when the phone will ring and it'll be my call to leave, wherever I may be. I keep it on my belt, day in day out. When it goes off, I feel this chill go down my spine and I tense before I answer it. I look at the call display. Private name, private number. Answer it. My wife. No news, just need to ask you a question. At this point, I'm not liking the fact that my cell phone now has the effect to make me nervous everytime it rings. Stupid phone. Even when i recieve a text message now, I do the same, shutter a bit, and get nervous. Geez, this cell phone is now a nerve testing tool. Can Dave survive the ringing cell phone? As soon as everyone stops calling me, and once the baby is born, 'yes'. Whatever happened to nerves of steel? Apparently I don't have it.

I recieved a very good article from a friend here at work, for new fathers. Check it out, as it has some great information in it (Thanks Evelyn). It's called "A New Father's Feelings".


Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Week 40 is here!

Well, this could be the week? Our last week as a couple. Our last week as DINK'S. For those that don't know, that means, "Double Income, No Kid's." I never liked that word anyway, so it is time to change it. Now we can be DISC or DISK. What does that mean? Double Income Single Child or Double Income Single Kid, whichever you choose. Sounds better then a DINK, doesn't it?

Looks like we've made it to Week 40. I can tell you this, the baby has been very active, but hasn't seemed to find his/her way out yet. We've tried to help guide him/her downward, but the baby is being stubborn. Takes after me already! I am sure this week will be the longest week ever. Heck, time has flown up till now, but the days are just dragging on now.

I have a question. When the cervix is dilated, can the baby really see the light at the end of the tunnel? I am likely to get beatings for this one. Come on, laugh, its just a joke......SMACK! Ouch!

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Not April Fools

Nope, we made it by April Fools. Sorry John, but, Happy Belated Birthday to you. We want to try and have a give this baby its own birthday, rather then sharing it with someone in the family. Not to be rude of course. Hope everyone remembered to move their clocks forward last night. Yes, we lose an hour of weekend time, but hey, at least it will be lighter longer now. It may actually be light when I leave work now, which is a sign summer is just around the corner, and the sign of baseball season. We actually had our first practice yesterday, and it was very enjoyable. Heck, I'm not even sore today, which I thought I would be from lack of exercise during the winter months.

As of today, nothing yet. The
waiting game is still on.