Monday, April 10, 2006

Another Day, No Baby

This sounds like us in week 40. Click to read.

Well, no baby, means another "Munday". Actually this morning I felt great waking up early (did I just say that?). For those that know me, know I'm not a morning person and I would never say that. It almost seems weird to me to say that, but it's so true. Maybe it was the fact I was in bed before midnight, but then again, I have been up quite early this past week or so. Maybe I'm looking forward to waking up early and never getting a good nights sleep again, who knows. Heck, I've had 30 years of good sleep, it's gotta stop sometime, right? Now I will be reduced to small naps throughout the day. Except while I'm at work of course. I don't think they like people napping while they work. As long as I have lots and lots of Tim Hortons coffee, I'll get by.

I have a feeling something may happen today, but again, that could just be gas.

Time to get ready for work, cell phone at my side.

Check out the WORDS OF WISDOM I received from people I work with.
Thanks to all of those that contributed.


Isabel said...

You have a feeling something may happen today? I love that!

My husband doesn't think our baby will come until Wednesday. Who knows why he thinks that. Too funny!

Anonymous said...

... everything is fine here in Germany! Hope your feeling was right! Does Michelle know the "castor/ricinus oil - cocktail"... horrible but just heared good things about it... all the best and big hugs! The B's and B's