Well, another night in the books. Brenden woke up twice throughout the night. He is a little fussy at night time trying to get him back to sleep, but once he's asleep, he's out for a good 3 hours or so. He has been asleep since 7am or so this morning, so a good 4 hours this time.
Today Brenden has his first Dr's appointment at 4:15pm. Should be interesting because I am going to my family Dr. here in Ajax who delivered me 30 years ago. Here's another generation for him, until he retires. I will post when we get back from the Dr. Appointment.
Part 2:
We made it through Day #5. Went to the Dr. and he said everything was fine. He said the Jaundice looks very minor, but says we should go to the hospital tomorrow and have it tested one more time, just to make sure. We are going to go in early just to get it done as soon as we can and come home. The best news is that the baby has gained his weight back. He dropped 3% from birth and is now back up to 6lbs 14oz. Now the growing should continue.
So today was the baby's first ride in the car, and first ride in his stroller. We went to Walmart to pick up a few items. He slept all day, and missed it all. Apparently he likes shopping as much as I do. If only I could sleep through it too.
Let you all know tomorrow what we find out tomorrow. Good night, it's passed my bedtime (11:52pm).
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