Saturday, April 8, 2006

The Day After, D-Day

Well, D-Day has come and gone. Looks like we didn't win the Sears waiting game afterall. That's ok, no big deal. As long as the baby is healthy, that's all we really care about. I can tell one thing, this child is already starting to take after me. I am known to be running late for things, and well, the baby is already late. So we're off on the right foot.

For all those wondering, still nothing happening today. We are hoping for this weekend, but we're not sure yet. We do know the absolute deadline will be, no later then April 15, at which time Michelle would be induced. So definately by next weekend we'll have a baby. Looking now, this will be our last weekend as the two of us. It is a very exciting time, and well, as you know, nerve racking. It's all a matter of time now, and not knowing what time is tough. I am almost afraid to leave the house, just in case something does happen. I know I have the cell phone, but it would be easier if I were here already. I don't want to have to rush home, when I could have just stayed home. Tonight I have a banquet to go to, and I will attempt to go to. I know she has this fear of the water breaking in public, so I'm not sure if Michelle will want to go. That's her choice.

On Thursday we put the baby seat in the SUV. Our bags are packed, and we're ready to go at anytime. We are now just waiting for baby to arrive. Tick...Tock...Tick...Tock...

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