Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Baby is Grounded

The days are getting longer and spring is well on its way. Can't say much for the baby...well on its way 'yes', but just doesn't want to come. Maybe the baby wants to wait until the summer. Maybe it's still too cold. Smart baby. My wife has already told me that the baby is grounded once it comes out, because it's late. We will have to push the grounding out until he/she is old enough to understand why he/she is grounded. This is a good reason for the first grounding, I think.

We are patiently waiting for the Dr. appointment tomorrow, where we'll definitely find out what's going on, what's going to happen, and when it's going to happen. We will know more by tomorrow afternoon, and I'll be sure to post the news tomorrow night.

I was thinking this morning, debating with myself, as to whether or not I should keep this BLOG going after the baby is born. I have talked to many people, mainly family and friends about the site, and they love it. They actually check it everyday. This is great, but will it really get the attention after the baby is born? Will it be worth keeping it up? Who would really have any interest as to what I have to say? Then again, would I run out of things to talk about? All of these questions running through my head. Then I saw a sign this morning, and I've seen it many times before. Scrapbooking. Well this is somewhat a form of online Scrapbooking. Sure it's a journal, but it can be more. When my child grows up, he/she can look back at these postings, pictures, comments, just to see what kind of things we went through, throughout the stages of growing up. Even if no one follows this, I can be sure that it was writing worth keeping. If people want to find out what's going on, they can simply come here, and check on us, and see if anything is new.

So the final word. Don't expect this BLOG to stop once the baby is born. I will attempt to keep it going as long as I can. Some may agree or disagree with the writings, but hey, we're not all perfect......just me (haha!)

Thanks and Happy Reading!


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? I thought continuing was a given! Of course it has to carry on!

I think almost every parent is going to have a blog of their kid's early years soon. Heck, it's happening now. It'll go on until the kids decide they need blogs of their own.

Besides, so much happens in those first months/years that it's great you're able to take a day-to-day approach to keeping track and documenting it all.

I'm one of the people that check the site daily...and I'd certainly be disappointed if it disappeared just when things were getting rolling.

You just might want to consider changing the name!

Looking forward to it...

Anonymous said...

... we are one of those who are reading this BLOG every day! Thanks for not stopping when the baby is there... we are lazy parents and do not do it for our kids... they will hate us if they once see your BLOG!!! B's and B's