Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Dr. Appointment

OK, Michelle went to the Dr. today and I went with her. I wanted to hear the scoop. I don't know how much I can stress to all the guys out there at how awkward it really is to be in the same room while the Dr. is checking out your wifes privates. I thought maybe I should bring a weapon in with me, just in case he tries something. I just kept thinking to myself, "He better be careful in that neck of the woods." OK, maybe I'm exaggerating a little, afterall, that was his career choice. I am not sure how, to this day, someone chooses that as a career move without being harassed about it through university, but hey, maybe it's not all that bad. I just wonder if he goes home and looks at his wife the same way after. Second thought, I don't want to know.

Anyway, long story short, good news, bad news.

Good news: Baby is doing great, head down, 2cm dilated, should be any day now (he in fact said that last week as well, so now I take it as a, "whatever")

Bad news: April 15 was suppose to be the induction day...but nope...Dr. said, we'll give it another week, until April 21. Surely he can't be serious. I thought Michelle was going to grab him by the scruff of the neck and tell him no. Enough waiting already. As if I wasn't nervous enough, now I have to be nervous for another week!

I am routing for baby everyday, giving it encouragement, letting it know that it is much nicer outside the womb, more things to see, more things to do, more room to move. Well, I guess baby will come when it wants to, but everyday past is an extra day of grounding. Haha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats too bad. The baby will be out in tim for the NHL playoffs.