Wow, has time seemed to fly by. Just after midnight tonight, and the baby will be a week old. They were right when they said time would go fast.
This week has been a little tough for us. Getting up throughout the night is not us. We both don't like it. Even though we both say, "It's ok, I don't mind." The real answer is, "Can I just get some sleep please."
Brenden has been a little fussier at night recently. He normally slept for 3-4 hours, but lately it has been only 2 hours throughout. The need for milk has seemed to increase. Before I know it, he'll be all grown up.
Anyway, I missed yesterdays post. Just too busy and no time for the computer. We went to the hospital yesterday to get the Jaundice retested. Took about 15 minutes and went home. The Dr. office called me and said I had to go back to the hospital because the test didn't work and they would have to redo it. Apparently nothing can be easy for us. As of now, we haven't heard back from the Dr. office about the results. I would assume that they would only call if their were a problem, so I guess everything is 'ok'. He doesn't look as yellow as before, unless of course he has his yellow sleeper on.
I just fed Brenden and put him to sleep, so I had enough time to post today and yesterdays posts. I'll be putting up a few more pictures today on the picture website when I get time, maybe before he wakes up. Visit the website here: http://thevipers.ca/ourbaby/index.html
Congrats Michelle and Dave and Brenden. He has the same hair style as you dave kinda hard to deny that. Hope everything is going great with your new baby and we hope everything works out for the best.
Congrats again guys.
Randomly found your Blog getting some ideas. Congrats on the baby. I have a 13-month old and every day gets better. And you're going to wear out your server space ... I've got 29 photo galleries and several videos to date on mine. The family loves 'em and complains when I don't update regularly.
Enjoy every minute of it and don't worry ... you'll figure it all out.
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