Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Finally, a new post!

OK, once again, I'm guilty of not posting at least on a weekly basis. After vacation work has been just hectic and I haven't had time to post anything. The times I am free, I just flat out forget until it's time for bed.

So now you're probably's Brenden? What's new with him? Well I see him everyday and I see a few new things, but not a whole lot.

He has really started to try to say single words now. He has started saying, mom, mom, mom. At least it sounds like that. Sometimes I even hear da, da, da, but I'm not sure if that's just my brain saying it sounds like that. Occasionally he'll belt out some bablle words and scare the crap out of us because we weren't expecting it.

We can now tell when he's angry and/or frustrated. He will put his arms or flail them around in disgust if he's not happy with something. Generally he's happy, but he has his days much like you and me (well, not like me, but like you).

He is eating very good. You gives you that face when he doesn't like something and we have started to give him a spoon while we feed him. If we did his spoon in the food, he will actually move the spoon to his mouth and eat from it. After that he usually drops the spoon. Hey, it's a start though. He's very good at it and at least knows what to do with it. At bottle time, he holds his own bottle now. I know have a extra free hand to use the remote and talk on the phone at the same time as feeding Brenden.

So it looks as if Brenden will save the wear and tear on his knees and advance straight to walking. He can hold himself up on his hands and kness, but he's not sure how to move forward from that position. Instead he pushes with his arms and moves backwards. If we try and sit him down, he gets angry, because he really wants to stand instead. He can pretty much stand on his own while hanging on to something, but hasn't grasped the walking concept yet. That's probably a good thing. He still loves to bounce. The Jolly Jumper and his little bouncy car is very handy at the moment. I can only hold and bounce him for so long before my 'Ironman' arms are sore. He also loves to be that doesn't mean I'm throwing him around. It simply means I toss him up in the air and catch him. He loves it. He laughs and smiles. I think we have ourselves a future rollercoaster connoisseur.

Fun Time:
He loves peek-a-boo. And he loves it when mom holds him and dad approaches from behind. He thinks its a game, and if I make the silly sounds that adults make to babies, he will literally laugh his ass off. He giggles and it's so funny. That seems to be the happiest moments. We have also found his tickle spots and can get him laughing quite easily.

Well, that's the 2 week update. Next step it to update his pictures. I have taken a few, but not many. I should take more, since he loves the camera, but I'd rather enjoy my time with him then take pictures. I'll soon post what I've taken since Christmas. For now the most recent are included above.

One last thing I would like to say, is congratulation to my cousin, Steven Schaefer and his new wife Cindy. Sorry I couldn't make it to Hawaii to enjoy the ceremony. I'm sure it went well, and I'll be looking for pictures once you return to Japan from Hawaii. All the best to newlyweds, Steven & Cindy Schaefer. You can see his website at

Until next post.........