Sunday, September 3, 2006

The Daily Routine

We have tried very hard to keep Brenden on a routine at night time. We give him to spoonfuls of rice pablum mixed in a bowl with some of his bottle and he eats it all. It's quite amusing trying to feed him with a spoon at this stage. The looks we get are priceless. I'll have to get a picture of the feeding tonight so you can get the idea.

Following that we bath him, then wrap him (yes, we still do that, as it's comforting to him), and feed him what's left of his bottle. Shortly after that, he's out like a light. At this point, it's very easy to put him to bed. This whole process starts about 8:30pm and we're usually finished between 9:30-10:00pm. He'll generally sleep until 4am, at which point he will make some noises. Usually all it takes is a walk to the room to put the soother back in his mouth and he sleeps until 7:30am or so. He sleeps well, which is good for us, as we';re starting to just now catch up on missed sleep.

Not much else is new as far as advancing in any other activities. It is really easy to get him laughing now. Laugh at him and he laughs back. It is quite funny at times seeing him react like that.

Anyway, gotta go, baby's crying.....I think he just said dada....nope....just my imagination.

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