Monday, June 12, 2006

Babysitting & more

Well, on Saturday night, it was our turn to be alone, albeit only for about 4 hours, but it was nice. We went to see the 1976 remake of, "The Omen", a very good remake with more guesome graphics then ever. Now we have to wait until the new version of, "The Omen II" which may or may not come out. After the movie we went out for dinner. Come 10pm it was time to pick him up again. My mom and my Grandmother were babysitting him for us at my Grandma's house in Ajax. We considered it a nice little break, although Michelle tried to get me to call to see how he was, after the movie. I told her, "no". It won't be long before we're picking him up again.

On Sunday, he had quite a hissy fit. It was quite scarey actually, since he was hitting notes I had never heard. He wouldn't eat either. I finally got him comfortable on my legs and rocked him back and forth. He was soothed for the time being. After 10 minutes or so, he seemed to be better. Seems he had to let one out, since he hadn't gone in a 24 hour span. Could have been cramps or something. This morning he let out almost the same cry. Seems like he's learned a new cry which gets our attention quite fast. Our reation time is almost instant when we hear that cry. It's almost piercing. Even Mariah Carey can't hit notes like he can! Maybe we'll have to send him to the Opera, or put him in a horror movie and cast him as the screamer!

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