Friday, June 30, 2006

A week already!

Wow, seems so long since my last post. I am really slipping now. This can only me one of two things. Either I am so darn busy that I have no time, or that I am just to lazy to log on and write something. Well, maybe a bit of both. Here are the events of the past week in point form, because I am just too lazy to write them out in full (haha), thje truth comes out.

The bad:
- 2 weeks ago, Thursday, I sprained my ankle playing ball. I have played ball a little, but couldn't push it to hard, since I can't run.
- We had to get rid of one of our cats (we had her for 1 year) as she kept peeing in the basement and not in the litter box. The last straw was when she peed in the baby's room. She was put up for adoption. Hope Cali finds a good home.

The good:
- Germany won versus Argentina in a shootout today, and they advance despite the fact Argentina outplayed them. GO GERMANY GO!
- Today is the Friday before the July 1st long weekend.
- Brenden is really trying to talk goo ga ga. Soon enough he will be posting to this BLOG.
- One less cat, half the food, half the litter, half the mess.

The weekend is here.....later all!!!!

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