Thursday, October 26, 2006

Dr. Visit at 6 months

Well, Brenden had another checkup and some more shots on Tuesday. The Dr. says he's a healthy boy. This is very good since Michelle has come down with a cold a time or two the last few weeks. Brenden now weighs 18lbs and get this, he's 28 inches (71 centimetres) long. The Dr. said a normal 1 year old is on average 30 inches tall. Brenden still has 6 months to go and only 2 inches to grow. Makes me wonder what's really in our water today? The main thing is, that he's healthy.

What's new and exciting in "B" land? Not much more development yet. He does however have a permanent smile now, or at least that's what it seems like. He also rolls over, but only in one direction. Eventually the wall stops him from going any further, if he's already rolled 3 or 4 times.

We've had to buy some new outfits, as you can imagine with the rate he's growing at. Not only because of the size, but because of the weather. TIme to break out the baby mittens, it's getting near the freezing mark. Heck, it's almost time to break out my own mittens at this rate. I almost need a snowsuit to cut the lawn, just to stay warm.

Anyway, that's about it for another week (or so).
Next week, Brenden will be typing his first words on this BLOG........

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