Friday, May 5, 2006

It's Friday (TGIF)!

That time has come back where I can actually say, "It's Friday!". While I was off, I didn't need to say this, but once your back to work, as so many put it, "TGIF (Thank God It's Friday)".

We have learned this morning that the 3hr feeding schedule we were trying to enforce doesn't seem to agree with one individual. There was a 66% vote for the feeding schedule and apparently one decides to vote against it. I wonder who that could be? This morning he was fed at 6am, then decided to wake up at 7am for no apparent reason, other than the possibility of being changed. Michelle did that and put him back down. Nope, doesn't want to sleep. We decided to try and give him a little more, kind of a "Top Up". Put him down, wrapped him tightly and so far he hasn't made a peep.

I have this issue with our local radio stations. They say some babies like classical music. Do you think I can find a classical station that will come in on the clock radio in his room? Last night I found some for about an hour, then the station changed to talk only radio. I know there has to be something out there. I may have to hook up a stereo system in his room with full surround sound, an MP3 player, and play some nature sounds throughout the night. That thought HAS crossed my mind. What would be better than having surround sound as a baby? Ither than the kitchen sink, nothing I can think of. Heck maybe I'll even move in the same room to have a listen.

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