Tuesday, May 23, 2006

May 24 come and past

Well May 2-4 weekend was relatively laxed. Went to a wedding on Saturday, and the baby was good in church, but decided to belt out his own tune at the reception. We were forced to take that car ride for 15 minutes in order to get him asleep. He finally did and didn't wake up again for quite awhile.

Today Brenden had another Dr. appointment, and everything checks out "A" - OK. He is now 9lbs 9oz and growing as he should be. This is good news.

Now for the bad....ok well not so bad, but I believe that he has moved his fussy periods from every other day, to every day. He just loves to belt out a tune, sounding almost of that of some of the "
Canadian Idol" singers. Maybe he should audition, heck, can't be any worse then most of them.

Today we went to Walmart to splurge a little. We bought a front-loading carrier so Michelle or myself can carry the baby around in while we walk and do stuff around the house. We put him in it, and he wasn't to thrilled, but I think that was because he was hungry. We also bought some other baby necessities. Heck, walking out of Walmart with a baby costs way more then Michelle and I walking out by ourselves!

He's a high maintenance, expensive baby. Afterall he does where everything designer. I dress and look like I just stumbled out of a dark alley on Halloween, compared to him. Just hope he appreciates it later on, when he'll have to start buying me designer clothes and diapers. Haha!

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