Sunday, May 7, 2006

Sleep baby sleep

Lately after the baby wakes up, we change him, feed him, change him again (sometimes), then try and get him to sleep. Most of the time he wants to keep his eyes open for awhile and occasionally cry. Rocking helps to ease the crying, but trying to make the baby go to sleep is a chore. Once asleep after approx. 45 mins or so, we put him in his crib. 10 to 15 minutes after that, he starts crying again. When picked up, he's fine. Put him down, he cries. We've come to the point now to put him down and check on him every 10 minutes or so if he's still crying. Most of the time he will eventually fall asleep, sometimes for 30 minutes at a time. Most of this happens during the day which is good. This routine wouldn't be to good if it were in the evening. Anyway, we're managing the best we can. It would be great if I could just teach him my sleep patterns, then he would sleep for 12 hours straight.

Michelle had a baby shower yesterday and received a lot of gifts from family and friends. We would like to thank everyone for their contributions of gifts for baby Brenden. Much appreciated.

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