Today Brenden is 1 month old. Where did the time go? It escaped us again. Brenden is doing fine. He has his good days and bad days much like most of us today. Seems to be every other day. He is smiling more now. I'll have to try and get a picture of him while he's smiling.
Last weekend we had an unfortunate mishap with out digital point & shoot. It fell on the ground and the preview screen (LCD) cracked. Now I can't view rhe pictures on the camera anymore. I found out to by the LCD and install it myself, it will cost about $75. I am trying to get a used camera on EBAY, then I can use the screen out of that one. I'll know by the end of this weekend, if I win on any items.
Anyway, I would like to wish everyone a good (Long for some) weekend! All the best!
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