I hope all the moms had a great Mother's Day on Sunday! It was my wife's first mother's day and Brenden got her a great gift! I necklace with two charms on it. One charm has little baby feet on it and the other say, #1 mom. Mom loved it very much! Way to put that $20 to use, Brenden.
The weekend was packed with travelling from family to family for us. This jsut meant more sleep for Brenden, and more rest for our ears. The car trips are great. Very peaceful, very quiet. Once we got to our destination we knew it was feeding time. The cries began.
Our first stop was Saturday afternoon at Michelles' Grandmothers for lunch. Then off to her dads place, nearby. After spending most of the afternoon there, we went to my parents place where we spent the night. It seemed logical to spend the night, because with gas prices the way they are and the distance to travel, and since the following day was mother's day. All the while Brenden did very well his first night away from home. He was a little unsure of his surroundings at first, but he got used to it. Her mom also lives further east than my parents, so there was no reason to go home and come back again. I am sure Brenden wouldn't mind, but he had no money left for gas, since he spent his $20 for mother's day. On Sunday we spent the morning at my moms and then went to her moms in the afternoon. We headed home about 4pm.
Lately it has been much better, as Brenden hasn't been crying as much, and it seems that he is actually starting to smile more, and not just because he has gas.
One thing I find hard to believe is that this Saturday, Brenden will already be 1 month old. Wow! Time does fly by.