Thursday, March 30, 2006

Congrats to Fy & Sue!

A friend of mine is having a baby as well. The due date was scheduled for April 6 (c-section). I was actually out with the father last night having a drink. We said our goodbyes and good lucks about 11:30pm. I said, "Maybe we'll see you next week at the hospital!" Low and behold, I get an email this morning, and ...... it's a healty baby boy! I guess contractions started early in the morning and by 6:30am a baby boy was delivered. Congratulations to Fy and Sue on their first child. I guess we won't be meeting up in the hostital at the same time afterall.

Watch for pictures posted of Fy & Sue's baby on my buddies blog site listed on the left side of this page at "

All the best to Fy, Sue and baby Ethan!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to welcome Ethan to the world. He is such a beautiful baby, and I am so happy to be an Aunt again.

Your time is coming soon, and we can't wait to hear your news too!
