Finally made it to my 100th post! It should have been sooner, but "hey", I've been busy and haven't had a lot of spare time to write entries here.
Well, Michelle and I feel that Brenden has finally spoke his first word! And really, I don't think it's a very common first word to come from a 14 month old. You would never guess it either. He already says, mama, and dada, but we wanted a real first word. We think he may have said "bath", and other small words, but I like this one the best, because he says is so well. The word: "Buckle". We said it once and right away he said it. He even pronounced the "kle" in buckle, the same way we're suppose to. It's almost amazing. He has also learned such words as, "Kukoo", "Cat", "Woof", and "Hi". We're getting to the point where we have to really watch what we say, because he's likely to give it a try.
This past weekend we went camping in Parkhill, Ontario. It's about 25km south-east of Grand Bend which is on Lake Huron. It's about 250km from where we live in Ajax. It was a nice drive. We ended out going through Kitchener and Stratford, places I've never been before. It was a nice drive. The park was ok, but the beach was bad. They had a pool as well which looked ok. We never went in it however because the weekend was quite cool. We actually went to Parkhill for a wedding. Michelle's cousin was getting married, so Saturday was a busy day, with not much time to spend in the water. At night time the temperature dropped to about 8C. We had to dress Brenden up in double PJ's just to keep him warm. It wasn't bad for me, because I find that weather great for sleeping in. I'd rather have it that way then too hot for sleeping. You can always oput clothes on to warm up, but taking all your clothes off to get cool, isn't always the best. :) Haha. Now that we're back home, Breden is trying to catch up on his sleep, since he missed many naps, and when he did nap, it was only 30mins to an hour, which is hardly enough for him. Tomorrow is back to school for him.
Tomorrow I have to go back to Kitchener, Waterloo to interview student for a fall position open at my work. This will be the first time I get to sit on the other side of the table. It'll be a little better asking the questions rather then answering them. I hated being interviewed for fear of providing stupid answers to simple questions.
In just 4 more days we move to our new house in Whitby. We move on July 6. So let the packing commence. I hate moving. The best part about this one, is the fact that we've hired someone else to do it for us. We just need to pack and unpack and they do the rest. Much easier that way, and saves the strain on our backs. So just 2 more days of work, well one officially, because the interview is hardly work, then I'm off for a week. Not much of a holiday, but it'll give me a week to sink in to the new house and enjoy it more.
Not sure if I'll get another post off before I move, but I'll try. Who knows when I'll get the Internet all hooked up again at the new place. I'll try to get it done over the weekend, however, it may not get done until the following week.
Until next time........