Today was really my 2nd time holding Cole, but first time talking pictures while we're holding Cole. Michelle remains is hospital until at least Monday, recovering from, what the doctors say, is the "Ecoli Virus". We have no idea where it came from, but apparently pregrant mothers are more susceptible to it than others. We were also told that this was why Cole decided it was time to get out of his warm and cozy place. Since he was breach, Michelle had a C-Section this time, hence the longer time being spent in the hospital. We're very excited to get Cole home, but considering his condition, right now, he's in the best place until he's good and ready to make the trek to his new home.
Brenden has met Cole once, but I don't believe he understands that this it the baby that will be living under the same roof as him. It'll be interesting to see how he takes to the new addition in the family. Brended is no longer the baby. He's the big brother now.
I'll keep you all up to date on any new events forthcoming. In the meantime for this week, I've decided to go back to work for this week and take the following week off, when Cole arrives home.
Thanks and talk to you all soon!
DS, MS, BS, and CS.
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