Well, Cole arrived home on Tuesday afternoon and got to see his new digs. Brenden was still at Daycare and had no idea what was in store for him at home. I left work early to pick him up and off we went. I tried to comfort him (or warn him) that we are going home to see 'baby Cole'. He repeated the name Cole many times, almost as if he knew what he was saying. I still though to myself, "This will be interesting". We got home and Cole was sleeping (surprise). Brenden proceeded to take his coat and boots off and ran over to see mommy. At that point Cole made a little noise and curiousity struck Brenden. "Oh", he said, as if to say, "what the heck is that doing here". He walked slowly over to the carrier where Cole was sleeping and pointed at him. "Baby", he said. He stared at Cole for at least 30 secs. I think Brenden thought it may be just a toy laying there, until Cole moved his hand and Brenden looked at me as if to say, "It moved, did you see that"? I continued to express, that this was his new baby brother, "Cole". He seemed to accept the fact that it was, but more or less left it at that and wanted to play.
Brenden has been very good around Cole. He doesn't even want to touch Cole. It's funny. "No" is always Brendens' answer. That's his answer to all the world's problems too. "No". Much easier to say than, "Yes". Today Brenden actually gave Cole a kiss. I was going to attempt having Brenden hug him, but fear swept through my brain thinking Brenden may smother his new brother. At this point, it may be the case.
Cole went to see the pediatrician today for a weigh in, just to make sure Cole is gaining weight. This was nerver wracking for us, since we knew that if he wasn't, they would want to admit him back to the hospital for care and supervision. When Cole left the hospital he was 5lbs 4oz on Tuesday. Today, Thursday, he was 5lbs 8oz. Gained about 4 oz in 2 days. That was great news! And best of all we got to bring him back home. Tomorrow we are taking Cole for a checkup and an introduction with my family Dr. This is the 3rd generation with the same Dr. now. Seeing the Dr is in his 60's, I don't believe he'll have a chance to practise on a 4th generation. At least I hope not, for our sake.
Anyway, that's it from the Schaefer household for now. I'll be sure to update once I receive some more information to post. For now, make sure you go to http://www.davidschaefer.ca/ and check out all the latest photos there.
Good night.....for most of you........catch some extra zzzzzz's for us.
David, Michelle, Brenden and Cole
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