Wow, seems so long since my last post. I am really slipping now. This can only me one of two things. Either I am so darn busy that I have no time, or that I am just to lazy to log on and write something. Well, maybe a bit of both. Here are the events of the past week in point form, because I am just too lazy to write them out in full (haha), thje truth comes out.
The bad:
- 2 weeks ago, Thursday, I sprained my ankle playing ball. I have played ball a little, but couldn't push it to hard, since I can't run.
- We had to get rid of one of our cats (we had her for 1 year) as she kept peeing in the basement and not in the litter box. The last straw was when she peed in the baby's room. She was put up for adoption. Hope Cali finds a good home.
The good:
- Germany won versus Argentina in a shootout today, and they advance despite the fact Argentina outplayed them. GO GERMANY GO!
- Today is the Friday before the July 1st long weekend.
- Brenden is really trying to talk goo ga ga. Soon enough he will be posting to this BLOG.
- One less cat, half the food, half the litter, half the mess.
The weekend is here.....later all!!!!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Thursday, June 22, 2006
2 months & Growing
The baby is now officially 2 months old as of June 20. Brenden received his first needles today. He wasn't overly impressed, but managed to get by better than I ever would. Brenden now weighs in at 11lbs 3oz and is now 58cm (23in) long. Growing like a weed it seems. He is very healthy and forturnately for us, he never had any side effects to the needles. He was a bit sore however and we had to gove him some tylenol drops to sooth him. Since that night and Wednesday part of the day, he has been fine. Cheerful most of the time and screaming when he's hungry. One thing Brenden doesn't have, is patience. If he's hungry, we have time to change him and he smiles away. But as soon as we pick him up, the crying/screaming starts up. He can't wait to get the bottle in his mouth. Once the bottle is heated and we've sat down to feed, he stops crying until he's finished, then lets out a few more cries. After that, he is soothed either by laying down on his fuzzy blanket and watching his overhead toy, or sitting in his swing, watching the environment move back and forth. Generally this puts him to sleep, but now always. At least it calms him down if he his crying.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Events up to date

Since I haven't posted for awhile (once again), here are some point form notes I have either missed in previous posts, or are new updates.
- Apparently there was a reason for crying. We have figured out (with the help of Michelle's mom) that the bottles are the problem. We have bought the ones that take the baggies, therefore reducing the air intake on the baby (sounds like something my dad would refer to on a car).
- On Tuesday, Brenden returns to the Dr. for his first shots to prevent Polio and other diseases.
- I finally took the picture above when Brenden was smiling. I've been a little lax on the camera since I fixed it. I also haven't attempted to use the video camera yet. I figure I'll wait a bit longer before I use it.
- Where do I about injuries for $1000 Alex. Tuesdays injuries include, bruised middle finger, and swollen right hand, due to diving for a ball, and slightly missing. Thursdays injuries include, left foot, baby toe, bruised for taking a ball off it, and right ankle, rolled it just walking to first base. I am now hobbling along. The ankle was quite swollen, but looks better now. I think I may need to take a week off of ball just to heal all my wounds. At least the appendix feels 100% better, not to say much for the rest of me.
- Busy, busy, busy. Lots of stuff going on at work, which is the reason for not posting all the time. Leave early, come home late.
- Tonight I am doing the babysitting thing and of course, watching the hockey game (Carolina vs. Edmonton (3-2)). Go Edmonton go...I would love to see a Game #7.
- My first father's day this weekend! Very exciting!
- Very happy that the new bottles are working. Baby happy, mommy happy.
- Also working very hard. She still can't figure out why the days go by so darn fast.
- Michelle gets an extended break tonight because she's going out with some friends.
Well that's it, that's all for now. Have a good weekend everyone!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Babysitting & more
Well, on Saturday night, it was our turn to be alone, albeit only for about 4 hours, but it was nice. We went to see the 1976 remake of, "The Omen", a very good remake with more guesome graphics then ever. Now we have to wait until the new version of, "The Omen II" which may or may not come out. After the movie we went out for dinner. Come 10pm it was time to pick him up again. My mom and my Grandmother were babysitting him for us at my Grandma's house in Ajax. We considered it a nice little break, although Michelle tried to get me to call to see how he was, after the movie. I told her, "no". It won't be long before we're picking him up again.
On Sunday, he had quite a hissy fit. It was quite scarey actually, since he was hitting notes I had never heard. He wouldn't eat either. I finally got him comfortable on my legs and rocked him back and forth. He was soothed for the time being. After 10 minutes or so, he seemed to be better. Seems he had to let one out, since he hadn't gone in a 24 hour span. Could have been cramps or something. This morning he let out almost the same cry. Seems like he's learned a new cry which gets our attention quite fast. Our reation time is almost instant when we hear that cry. It's almost piercing. Even Mariah Carey can't hit notes like he can! Maybe we'll have to send him to the Opera, or put him in a horror movie and cast him as the screamer!
On Sunday, he had quite a hissy fit. It was quite scarey actually, since he was hitting notes I had never heard. He wouldn't eat either. I finally got him comfortable on my legs and rocked him back and forth. He was soothed for the time being. After 10 minutes or so, he seemed to be better. Seems he had to let one out, since he hadn't gone in a 24 hour span. Could have been cramps or something. This morning he let out almost the same cry. Seems like he's learned a new cry which gets our attention quite fast. Our reation time is almost instant when we hear that cry. It's almost piercing. Even Mariah Carey can't hit notes like he can! Maybe we'll have to send him to the Opera, or put him in a horror movie and cast him as the screamer!
Thursday, June 8, 2006
My ER Dilemma
Brenden is fine. I am recovering. I had a sharp pain on my lower right side of my stomach on Sunday. Felt more than a stomachache, and didn't feel like I had pulled a muscle or anything. I decided I had better go to the hospital to get it looked at. I was there from 9pm until 2am Monday morning. The Dr. finally got to me about 1:30am. At this point I was in a lot of pain. He checked me out and thought it may be an early sign of appendicitis and ordered that I come back in the morning and have an emergency cat scan done. I went back to the hospital Monday morning for 8am. This time I was there longer, from 8am until about 2:30pm. A long day with most of it spent in the waiting room. The ER was packed. Finally I had the catscan done, and had to wait again. Then, finally I got to see the Dr and the results. *Negative* was the answer I was looking for, and that's what I got. Nothing showed up. On Wednesday I felt much better, although when I eat, I sometimes get a sore stomach. If it doesn't get any better by the end of the week, Iwill have to see the Dr.
As of today, Thursday, I feel about 75% better.
As of today, Thursday, I feel about 75% better.
Friday, June 2, 2006
Just lazy??
Apparently, laziness has set in. I login to add a post, then I turn around and decide not to post anything. I continually ponder as to what I am going to write on the BLOG.
On Wednesday Brenden visited his Grandparents on both sides of the family. I am sure he had a great time.
On Wednesday Brenden visited his Grandparents on both sides of the family. I am sure he had a great time.
Thursday night, Breden decided to sleep for almost 7hrs at night. What a shock to us! We both asked each other if we had got up in the night. Both of us slept.
Tomorrow we are heading to Cobourg, to visit friends and family. It's suppose to be a little cooler out, which should be nice compared to the 30-35C it was on Monday and Tuesday.
Right now our air conditioner isn't working, but it will be installed on Sunday. I can't wait. Anyway, I'm off to bed, since we are getting up early tomorrow (Saturday). And guess what tomorrow is? Brenden will be 6 weeks old.
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