Well, Michelle came back home last Friday and was feeling much better. She has recovered quite well and is almost back to normal. As you can see from the pictures above, Brenden isn't to fond of his beans. Not a vegetable man yet.
Brenden has started getting Gerber baby food, which makes those morning poops smell so much better. Ew! He likes a few types and won't give the time of day on others. It's quite funny seeing him eat various things and the expressions you get out of him.
On Sunday Michelle and Brenden met me at the Ajax Santa Clause parade. Brenden's first parade. He loved the loud bands belting out the tunes from the trumpets and trombones, and at the end of it all, really could care less about the man in the big red suit. He would rather look at his own reflection in the window of the car behind us. Next year, he'll be more inclined I think.
Brenden is now sitting without support. We do put pillows around just in case, but he never falls over. He is a very happy baby in that position. He still hasn't figured out how to crawl, but that's ok. That means we don't have to chase him around yet and we know exactly where he is.
Brenden loves the mirror. Every morning we get up, before he eats, we have to look at the other baby in the mirror. He laughs at him everytime. Or maybe he's laughing at the fact that his dad has a twin. Who knows.
Until next time, check out the picture site, as I've added many more photos. Here's the link again. http://thevipers.ca/ourbaby/index.html