Has it been 2 weeks already? I didn't fall off the earth, really I am still here and Brenden is doing just fine. Hard to believe he is already 5 months and will be half a year on Oct 20. Just wow! Where is the time really going? This month has been a very busy month, as you can probably tell by the lack of blogging. Also I have been lacking in taking pictures, as I don't realize that Brenden changes so much every day, until I bring him to someone who hasn't seen him in awhile and they tell me that he's changing so fast. Holy crap Dave, smarten up...take pictures daily. *sigh* I wish it were that easy. This is tougher than I thought. I tend to want to spend more and more time with him as he goes through his stages. It's great fun to sit back and watch this happen as it's so amazing. It tends to lead me away from my computer time which is just fine, but that means less and less Blogs as you can tell here. That's 'ok' too. Blogging isn't everything. It's great and a plus to have, but nothing we should fuss over if there hasn't been a post in awhile.
As of this post not really much has changed, well really, a lot has changed, but you really have to see him to see the changes. Really hard to describe. He's getting bigger, that's for sure. He interacts quite well now and loves to be picked up. He used to hate being carried around. Now we walk around the house together and I point at objects and he tries to grab them. Occasionally he'll stare back at me and giggle a little. I love it! This is the best feeling in the world, knowing that a child relies on his parents to help him grow. He is now eating pablum with a little maple syrup in it. He now opens his mouth when a spoon is carefully aimed at it. Sometimes it reminds me of, "Hungry, Hungry Hippo" when he lunges forward to get the spoon. Most nights I don't like the fact I work so late, because really we only get to spend 1-2 hours together before he goes to bed for the night and in the morning he is a great alarm clock. Wakes up between 7am and 8am.
I will post more pics soon, I promise. Just have to get my trigger finger ready and catch him in mid smile or laugh.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Favorite Words

Anyway, well, what can I say...I'm officially lazy now. Over a week and no new post until this one. I am not so sure you can call it laziness when you've been just so darn busy, between work and the family life. Well for those that read these posts, I am still hanging around, but just can't seem to post much anymore. I knew that would happen. At least a once-a-week update is better than not posting anything at all.
I convienentley named this post, "Favorite Words" for a reason. Not my favorite words, but actually Brenden's favorite words. These are words, when said 2 or 3 times to him, will make him smile and eventually laugh. I find it very amazing that certain words are more amusing than others. Simple words such as 'peek' and 'cover' said 3 times fast will cause a reaction. The best word seems to be the word, 'naked'. It's so funny that when he laughs, I start to as well. When he's on his change table getting ready for bathtime, I can say 'naked, naked, naked!' and he will literally laugh is face off. It's so funny, you have to laugh back at him. He thinks that word is the funniest ever. Now, even when he's just lying on the floor playing, you can say that word and he'll pump out a little smile at first, and when said again, he'll start to giggle about it. I am not sure if it's the expression in my face or the tone of my voice when I say it, but no matter what, it's hilarious. I love his reactions and faces he makes. Even when you've had a bad day, a smiling baby can make all the difference in the world!
Sunday, September 3, 2006
The Daily Routine
We have tried very hard to keep Brenden on a routine at night time. We give him to spoonfuls of rice pablum mixed in a bowl with some of his bottle and he eats it all. It's quite amusing trying to feed him with a spoon at this stage. The looks we get are priceless. I'll have to get a picture of the feeding tonight so you can get the idea.
Following that we bath him, then wrap him (yes, we still do that, as it's comforting to him), and feed him what's left of his bottle. Shortly after that, he's out like a light. At this point, it's very easy to put him to bed. This whole process starts about 8:30pm and we're usually finished between 9:30-10:00pm. He'll generally sleep until 4am, at which point he will make some noises. Usually all it takes is a walk to the room to put the soother back in his mouth and he sleeps until 7:30am or so. He sleeps well, which is good for us, as we';re starting to just now catch up on missed sleep.
Not much else is new as far as advancing in any other activities. It is really easy to get him laughing now. Laugh at him and he laughs back. It is quite funny at times seeing him react like that.
Anyway, gotta go, baby's crying.....I think he just said dada....nope....just my imagination.
Following that we bath him, then wrap him (yes, we still do that, as it's comforting to him), and feed him what's left of his bottle. Shortly after that, he's out like a light. At this point, it's very easy to put him to bed. This whole process starts about 8:30pm and we're usually finished between 9:30-10:00pm. He'll generally sleep until 4am, at which point he will make some noises. Usually all it takes is a walk to the room to put the soother back in his mouth and he sleeps until 7:30am or so. He sleeps well, which is good for us, as we';re starting to just now catch up on missed sleep.
Not much else is new as far as advancing in any other activities. It is really easy to get him laughing now. Laugh at him and he laughs back. It is quite funny at times seeing him react like that.
Anyway, gotta go, baby's crying.....I think he just said dada....nope....just my imagination.
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