More Christmas Pictures 2007
OK, Halloween went by and no posts. Christmas went by and still no posts. The New Year is upon us and I decide I had better post something before the end of the year. There has been a lot going on in here at the Schaefer household. Lets begin the story:
First things first. We hadn't mentioned it to anyone on here, and most people know already. Michelle is pregnant. She's due early March 2008. Brenden will soon have a little brother or sister. We're not sure. We wanted to find out, but from the ultrasounds they couldn't tell. Either the baby was turned the wrong way or it's legs were crossed. To me, legs crossed must mean it's a girl. A boy would have spread em' like all boys do (haha).
Brenden is now all over the house. He can climb up and down stairs standing up. He holds on to the railing to help him up and down. It's kind of scary to see, so we make sure we don't allow him to do it unattended. There have been a few times when everything goes quiet when we're in the kitchen only to find him half way upstairs or downstairs.
Brendens' favorite word is still "No", but we're trying to encourage other words and actions such as, "please", "thank-you", "yes please", "hugs and kisses". We will get the occasional hug when we ask, but not to often. Usually after I drop him off at daycare he'll give me a hug before I leave. Makes my day much brighter. He gives mommy a hug whenb she picks him up from Daycare as well.
Brenden Christmas gift was a Diego bed in a box. For those that don't know, Diego is Dora's cousin who speaks English and Spanish in their cartoons. We also got him a toy which makes noises and plays songs. He got various other gifts from family members and friends. Brenden loves them. He hates Santa, but does love to open gifts!
On the bed topic, we have as of this past weekend moved Brenden to his new room in his new bed. He realizes that he can now get out of bed himself, however he has been staying in it all night and hasn't got out willingly or fallen out of it yet. This morning he didn't get up until 9:45am which was almost scary. He rolled himself out of baed and came into our room to wake me up. That was nice to see. It's nap time soon, so I'll have to see how that goes. I have this funny feeling naps may be tougher now that he realizes he can get out of bed.
Anyway, hopefully there are some people reading this and I'm not posting for the fun of it. I see the odd comment so I know people are reading. Feel free to post a comment to let me know you're out there reading. I was thinking of giving it up totally, but then I change my mind and keep telling myself I need to keep those informed that don't see him that often. So although my posts are spaced so far apart, I am still here and I will still be writing here. If you read this, thanks for not giving up on me. Maybe I should make a New Years resolution to post more frequently....ahhhhhh maybe not yet.