Once again almost two weeks and no post. Sorry about that. We've been very busy around here. Here are the latest developments.
Brenden is doing great. He still has no teeth, but he is learning how to eat solid food now. He loves plain toast, various vegetables and chicken. We have to make sure he has small bites, but he has started to get the knack for chewing. Once he has teeth he'll be eating up a storm. He's still not crawling and tends to get frustrated when on his stomach. Guess he'll soon walk instead.
His verbal skills are greatly improving. He really tries to be copycat now and it's quite amusing. His reaction is also priceless when he hasn't seen either Michelle or myself for a few hours. He smiles from ear to ear and laughs. It's awesome and makes you feel great! No matter how rough a day you've had, a baby can always change that by his actions towards you.
On March 11, Brenden got baptized at Hebron Church in Whitby. Brenden was dressed up in his tux, as seen above. He did very well throughout the day with hardly any sleep.
On April 2, Brenden will be starting daycare. We signed him up at a Montessori School here in Ajax. Michelle goes back to work a week after that. This will be a big change for us, and him.
Until next post.